Looking Into Life And Death
©2016 Dr. Irene Bonney Faulkes DD


We have understanding and knowledge about life and death because the One True God has revealed it to us.  This He did in the Bible.  No person can discover it by himself.  No philosopher can ever work it out.  Man alone, without the revelation of God, could never find out.  God Himself has given the revelation.  He Himself has made it known to us.  He has done so in the Bible.  The Bible was written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit on and through men.  2 Peter 1:20,21, “Understand this first: No part of the Holy Writings was ever made up by any man.  21, No part of the Holy Writings came long ago because of what man wanted to write.  But holy men who belonged to God spoke what the Holy Spirit told them.”

God alone has planned what happens after death.  He is the only One who can disclose it to us. It is told in His eternal Word, 1 Peter 1:25, “But the Word of the Lord will last forever.  That Word is the Good News which was preached to you”.

God Himself spoke.  Man could never find out for himself.  No one who is a mere man has ever been able to find the true God by himself.  No one really wanted to find Him.  They wanted gods and ideas that were not true.  Psalm 5:9;10:7;14:1-3;36:1;140:3; Isaiah 59:7-8 – See Romans 3:10-18.

“There is not one who understands.  There is not one who tries to find God.  Everyone has turned away from God.  They have all done wrong.  Not one of them does what is good.  No, not even one!”  New Life Testament.

Read Isaiah 44:9-20; Jeremiah 16:20;10:3-12,16;19:3; Isaiah 46:6,7; 57:13; Isaiah 45:22 “Turn to Me and be saved, all the ends of the earth; For I am God and there is no other.”; Ezekiel 14:5.  Psalm 115:4-8, v.8 “The people who make idols and trust them are like them”.


In Genesis 2:7, we read that God created man, his body being made out of the earth.  God breathed into him and he became a living soul.  He was given spirit and soul.  Both are inseparably united.  The soul did not belong to the body but to the spirit.  James 2:26. “The body without the spirit is dead”.  The spirit is that which personifies a man.  The soul is the Ego, the medium and link of the human personality.  Mary in Luke 1:46, 47 said: “My soul exalts the Lord, And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Saviour”.  Here a distinction between soul and spirit is displayed.

 From the Old Testament, we discover:-

The Reason Death Came, Genesis 2 and 3.

         a. In Genesis 2:16,17, God told Adam what would happen if he disobeyed God and ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

         b. Eve who had not heard with her own ears what God told Adam was deceived.  1 Timothy 2:l5.  Adam wilfully sinned.

         c. Adam was the representative of the whole of the human race.  Romans.  5:12-19. One sin of Adam brought the punishment of death to all people.

Animals and men could not die before Adam fell.  Genesis 3:14 shows the serpent was cursed more than all beasts.  All animals and the earth had a curse put upon them, Genesis 3:14,18, Psalm 8.   Romans 8:22 relates to this also but 19-21 refer to Gentiles, Jews and believers who are “new creatures in Christ Jesus”).  It is not the curse on the animals and on this earth will be removed, rather, 2 Peter 3:10-13, the heavens above with all on earth, works, cities of man, the animal kingdom and nature, will be destroyed by being “burnt up” (annihilated).  “We wait for a new heaven and a new earth wherein dwells righteousness”. 

Judgment on the Serpent: Blessing for the Woman.  In verse 15, God had just pronounced judgment on the serpent.  However, He gave to the woman a wonderful blessing.  She would bring forth the seed who was to destroy Satan.  We should not take verses out of context.  The grace of God promised that through the woman He would give to the fallen human race He who is Conqueror of sin, death and the devil, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Eve’s Reaction.  The correct translation of verse 15 is “I am putting and will put enmity between you and the woman.  She has chosen to make the breach, I will widen it.”  The position was that when God came to both Adam and Eve after the fall, He questioned both of them.  In Genesis 3:12, 13, Adam blamed the woman.  He did not acknowledge his sin.  God dealt with Adam first because he was the sinner and then Eve. 

In her answer to God, Eve covered her husband’s guilt.  She did not name him as being the sinner even though he should have made sure that she knew enough of the Word of God not to listen to anything different.

Probably there was already something in the heart of Adam that made him hope to be like God, having dominion and able to act independently in pride, being the “man” mentioned in Isaiah 14:12-16. 

         d. As soon as Adam fell, at that moment he began to die with death.

                      i. His spirit died instantly He fell “out of Christ”.  2 Peter 1:19c. “and the morning star arises in your heart”.  Isaiah 14:12 (c/f. Ezekiel 28) “How you have fallen from heaven, 0 star of the morning (Adam), son of the dawn!  You have been cut down to the earth”.  This is not Satan in this chapter as frequently taught.  Satan is not a man who can die! 1 Corinthians 15:47 “The first man (Adam) is from the earth, earthy; the second man (Christ) is from heaven”. 49 “And just as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly”. We shall be like Christ with a body that is heavenly and God-like; with a spirit and soul that is heavenly and not earthly, full of eternal life as the sons of God.  We are in Christ and Christ is in us.  1 John 5:12; 3:2.   The result of Adam’s fall is that each person born into the world is born in spiritual death.  Every baby has a dead “spirit”, Ephesians 2:1.

                      ii. Adam (as well as all of us) had spirit, soul and body.  See 1 Thessalonians 5:23.  Adam’s soul became mortal even as we are born with a mortal soul.  It became deficient in the image of God.  The earthly part of the soul at the moment of death ceases to be.  The spirit has the remainder of the soul drawn up into it and leaves the body.  In the state of death of the person, whether the godly or the wicked, there continues a relationship of soul and spirit.

                      iii. His body stopped being the pure dwelling place of a spirit in fellowship with God.   His body immediately began to die, with death slowly working in his body.   It began to die with death, or to sicken to death.  1 Corinthians 15:31,”I die daily” refers to the body.

                      iv. The reproductive powers of the bodies of Adam and Eve were corrupted.  They saw each other was naked and needed a covering.  It is amazing how much of sinful man’s swearing relates to those organs – as well as to the Name of Jesus.

Regarding Eve, she acknowledged her guilt in being deceived.  She had taken from the tree and admitted to God she had eaten it.  She went further.  She exposed what Satan had done.  Adam knew of Satan’s part in it but he kept silent.  Was he frightened of Satan?  In telling God of Satan’s deception, Eve “made a breach between herself and Satan”.  Before, in Genesis 3:3-6, she had treated Satan in a friendly manner and listened to him.  Now she is not frightened to expose his deceit. 

This is why God said, “She has chosen to make the breach.  I will widen it” (literal translation).  He widened the breach that had an effect in “her seed”, Jesus Christ, whom Satan always opposes.  With the promise that this seed would squash Satan’s head, he has always maintained inflamed anger against Jesus Christ and His followers.  Also, he began to show his hatred of women in the world.

On the cross, the heel of Jesus Christ was bruised but He in turn, totally defeated Satan and his demons.  Now Satan’s enmity is focused on mankind in general, the church of Jesus Christ and against women generally.

The judgment of physical death, in the body, will remain for the believer, until Jesus canes again.  Romans 8:8:23, (believers are “waiting for the redemption of the body”; 1 Corinthians I5:26; 15:54; from Isaiah 25:8.

The spirit of the believer will never die.  John 11:25,26.  He has eternal life, from Christ, in his spirit.  He is born of the Spirit.  John 3:6,8; 1 John 5:11.

In this, we have been saved, we are being saved and we will be saved.  Romans 8:24; Ephesians 2:5; 4:30.  Hebrews 1:14, 1 Peter 1:5.  Philippians 2:12.

There is some teaching in the west that demons need to be cast out because believers have sin.  It appears that they think sin is not the problem but that it is Satan and demons.  That is error.

Sin is mentioned in the New Testament  over one hundred times.  Not once is there a direct association of sin in us with Satan or demons.  It shows clearly that “sin” is the sum total of all that is wrong in us, of all that is rebellion and disobedience to God and of all that causes us to “miss the mark”.  It is not the result of Satan affecting us or of demons attacking us.  We are “born in sin and shaped in iniquity”.  We were born with natures of sin.  Adam and Eve went into sin due to Satan’s temptation but he did not cause the sin.  The reason for their sin lay in themselves.  They listened to Satan.  They disobeyed God.  They followed their own wills.  They chose to ignore God’s will.  There was something in them that was happy to do what Satan suggested and to go their own way.  In actuality, they wanted to be as God.  It was their own pride, not Satan’s.  Mankind did not take on the nature of Satan.  Man followed the lusts and desires of his own heart.  He allowed his own nature to sin.  Thus sin entered the world.  Romans 5:12 says, “Just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned”.  We were the sinners.  Satan or demons cannot be blamed.  When preachers teach that, they are doing what Adam did when he sinned.  He blamed Eve.  These preachers blame Satan instead of admitting “I am the guilty one who is a sinner”.

There indeed are demons in some, that need casting out.  I have been involved in that and also have been with hundreds who have had demons cast out of them.  Also the Spirit through a person’s speaking in tongues can expel demons that may be in the soul.  I have also seen Charismatics trying to cast out demons that were not there!


The Old Testament sometimes says the dead are in Sheol, the grave or indicates where they in their souls/spirits have gone.

         a. The bodies of the departed dead go to “Sheol”, “the grave”.  Psalm 16:10, is translated “hell” in the KJV,  unfortunately. Other translations correctly say “Sheol” or “the grave”.  Peter, relating it to Jesus Christ, quoted it in Acts 2:27, “Because you will not forsake my soul in the grave nor let the Holy one suffer decay” Moffat.  It is obvious that the verse is about the body.  In the case of Jesus, His body did not even  begin to decay as is normal. In Genesis 37:35, it is translated “the grave” and in Numbers 15:30, 33, “the pit”, in Isaiah 14:15, “hell”. It never means in actuality, “the grave” and neither is it “the permanent region of the lost”.

To understand about the situation regarding the soul/spirit itself before redemption came through Christ’s work on the cross, read Luke 16:23-31.  This is a true story, as Jesus mentions a person’s name.  Note that the place of the departed before Christ was divided into two.  There was no going from one place to the other.  Neither could anyone return to where there are those who still live on earth.  One place was a place of torment.  The other named “paradise”, was a place where the condition was fair and not bad.  All those whose bodies lay in the grave, Sheol, were conscious in their soul/spirit and had knowledge and feelings.

         b. They were gathered to their fathers.  Genesis 15:15; 47:30; 1 Kings 1:21; 2:10.  Note that sometimes they are said, “to sleep”.  This does not mean that they were in a sleep as we enjoy each night.  Perhaps our “sleep” is a preparation for death in that we will not be conscious of what is taking place on earth.  The dead in Old Testament times (and indeed at this present time) were not conscious of what takes place on earth but were conscious in their new environment.

Jesus spoke of God being “not the God of the dead but of the living”, when he mentioned Abraham.  Matthew 22:32.  He was alive in some place other than earth.

         c. “Gates of Death”. Job 38:17, is another description of the realm of the dead.  Also, Isaiah 28:15, 18; Hosea 13:14; Habakkuk 2:5; Psalm 6:5; 49:I4, have this meaning.

Note that death was considered “an intrusion”.  Death was something that interfered with immortality.  Hence, no one in Israel could go where there was a corpse without being made “unclean”.  Numbers 19:11-14.  Death was the judgment on sin, which is uncleanness.  Of course, water could not wash any sin away.  Hebrews 9:10.  Neither can the waters of baptism today wash away sin nor is it possible that the carnal nature or old man can be left behind in those waters.  Acts 22:16 literally, is “Arise and be baptized and wash away your sins by calling on His name”.  Salvation lies only in the Name of Jesus and is a totally spiritual matter, having no connection with the body’s actions, unless we refer to confession of Christ with one’s mouth unto salvation, Romans 10:9.

There has to be a surrender of the spirit in death.  Ecclesiastes 8:9b, “No one has the power to stop his own death”.  He will go.  Of his dying in Psalm 49:19, “But he will go to where his ancestors are”.  The “he” are soul and spirit.  Of Jesus it was prophesied in Psalm 16:10,”because you will not leave me in the grave”.  Also, in Psalm 30:3b, “You spared me from going down where the dead are.”  Jesus did not descend into hell.

         d. The spirit of man after death “Goes upward”, While that of a Beast, “Goes Downward” so says the speaker.  Ecclesiastes 3:21,22.  The speaker questions the supposition – The spirit of man differs from that of beasts (animals) and goes to God.  He questions because he is not believing.  He does not have faith.  In verse 20, the “one place” is the same as in chapter 6:6, the earth – the great graveyard which finally receives all the living when dead.

“To the dust whence he sprang” is also spoken by Job in Job 34:15, where he says, “man would return to dust”.  This is the judgment of God on all men.  Genesis 3:19; Psalm 104:29; Psalm 146:4.  (Note: This rule will be broken for one generation of holy believers when the Lord Jesus returns from heaven at the second coming.  They will be changed.)

          The spirit will return to God who gave it.  Ecclesiastes 12:7.  Verses 3-7 speak poetically of death.  Finally, the speaker understands and he says “Your body will become part of the dust of the earth again.  But your spirit will return to God who gave it”. Read verse 6 also.  The speaker now understands, by faith.

Note: In death, the elementary materials of the now corrupted body are still in existence.  In this present order of creation, no single atom is ever annihilated (destroyed completely). The spirit is never annihilated of every person, believer in Christ and unbeliever.  It exists forever, in eternal life (if saved) or in a state of eternal “death”.

         e. Of the Dead, we note – “The fires that burn them will never stop.” Isaiah 66:24.  Again, there is proof from the Old Testament that death does not end all.   Job 26:5 says, “The departed spirits tremble…”

In Isaiah 14:9, the prophet speaks of the death of Merodach-Baladan, King of Babylon (Iraq), “The kingdom of the dead (in Sheol) is moved from beneath, to rise up and meet you: it stirs up the shadows for you; even all the lewd ones of the earth; it raises up from their thrones all the kings of the nations.  All rise up and say, Have you also become weak as we? Have you become like us?”     Another translation says, “The place of the dead is excited to meet you when you come.  It wakes the spirits of the dead to greet you.  They were the leaders of the world.  It makes dead kings stand up from their thrones to greet you.  They were rulers of nations.  All these leaders will make fun of you.  They will say, ‘Now you are weak, as we are.  Now you are just like us’.” 

In Ezekiel 27:17 it shows also that in the “place of the dead souls/spirits” there is activity, consciousness, torment, awareness and existence.   The departed souls exist, as in Job 26:5, “The departed spirits tremble…”

David had committed adultery with Bathsheba.  She bore him a child.  The judgment of God fell on David and the child died.  He said, “I shall go to him, but he will not return to me”.  He recognized that after he passed away he would be in a state of consciousness, 2 Samuel 12:23.

f. Man’s “spirit’ or “soul” departs (Goes Forth). Genesis 35:18.  “As her soul was departing (for she died)”. Psalm 146:4, “His spirit departs, he returns to the earth’.  The soul or spirit of man are not immortal.  Soul/spirit, die.  Death does not force a man back into nothingness.

The soul and spirit cannot corrupt, as does the body.  Both are isolated from the body.  Sometimes the word “spirit” is used in the Old Testament and sometimes “soul”.  However, there is a difference as shown in the New Testament.

It is clear that the soul dies.  Genesis 37:21.  “Let us not take his life”.  See Numbers 23:10, Judges 16:30; Job 36:14. “Let me die”.  “Samson said, Let me die”. “They die in youth and their life perishes among the cult prostitutes”.  This means that “life” and “me” stands for their souls and spirits that left their bodies.

Even though the soul dies it subsists on (manages to live). The body although it dies, also continues to exist.  It decomposes in its fundamental elements.  The atoms remain, gaseous and putrid.  The human part of the soul does not corrupt, as does the body.  The soul dies.  Its remaining life consists of acting from another source, not from the body.  Both soul and spirit leave the man when he dies and go into the unseen world, the remaining part of the soul joins the spirit.  Both soul and spirit experience sudden loss of position.  They are deprived of the body.  The soul’s life from the spirit endures.  It’s life in the body, perishes in death.

  He will go is used in Psalm 49:19 of his dying – “But he will go to where his ancestors are.”  The “he” are soul and spirit.  Of Jesus it is prophesied in Psalm 16:10 “because you will not leave me in the grave.”  Also, in Psalm 30:3b “You spared me from going down where the dead are.”  His body that lay in the grave would be resurrected shortly after death.

         g. The soul resists death (i.e. leaving the body). 1 Kings 17:17 “He grew worse and worse.  Finally he stopped breathing”.  The soul would remain in the body for as long as it was able and only left when it had to.

  h. The surrender of the spirit In death.  Ecclesiastes 8:9b.  “No one has the power to stop his own death”.  On the day my mother, who was 89 years, passed away, this happened.  I had been in Indonesia and only returned that day.  At 5 p.m. she died.  My husband, cousin and I saw it happen.  Many people had visited us and as I had been ill in Indonesia, I kept away from her, not wanting her to catch any more diseases.  She already had four major illnesses.  When she died, I went into another bedroom and prayed. “In Jesus’ Name, you spirits of death, ‘Go’; Mum, in Jesus’ Name, come back”.   I went back to where she was.  She came to life.  It gave me time to talk with her, pray with her and before she died later that night, I saw her, with the death dew on her forehead, so very weak.  But she prayed strongly in other tongues and I marvelled.  Her spirit was so strong.  That spirit that would never die is eternal.  She left her body an hour or two later.

i. The spirit and soul returned.  2 Kings 22. “And the Lord heard the voice of Elijah and the life of the child returned.”  .  Elijah prayed that the soul or the child might come back to it.  1 Kings 17:21.  Also, Elisha acts similarly in 2 Kings 4:34.  In each case, the person’s soul was brought back.  Each person has a soul and spirit that is related to their body.  Never can the soul or spirit of a person enter the body of another person or even of an animal.  There is a personal relationship between the soul, spirit and the body.  It can never be interfered with.  Each person’s spirit, soul and body, even if the body is corrupted or burnt in death belong to that person who always continues on in some form in some place – and to nobody else.  Neither can he or she become an insect or an animal as said in Eastern religions.

 j.  The spirit of Samuel was Allowed to Return.  1 Samuel 28.  This was not a satanic deception or the work of evil spirits.  God allowed the actual spirit of Samuel to return and speak, much to the surprise of the wicked witch (medium).  See verse l2.  In verse 13, she says, “I see a divine being coming up out of the earth”. In other words, the spirit of the dead Samuel.  It does not mean that his spirit had its abode in the earth of the grave.

God has given all men an eternal perspective.  It goes far beyond the confines of this present life.  Nevertheless, He has not revealed all of life’s mysteries to man.  Ecclesiastes 3:11 says.  “Also He has set eternity in their hearts”, ASV.


Animals do not have souls or spirits. They have instincts and their whole life is in their blood.  Hence no departed human soul could ever come back and live in an animal body.  The flesh of mankind is not the same as the flesh of animals.  They are so different that a human being could not become a animal.  See 1 Corinthians 15:39, “Not all flesh is alike but there is one flesh for human beings, another for animals, another for birds and another for fish”.

Animals were not made in the image of God.  Man was made in the image of God, Genesis 1:26, “Then God (Hebrew Elohim”, plural, the Triune God, or Trinity) said. ‘Let us (plural) make man n our image (likeness)’.”  Animals have differences from man.  They have no intellect, cannot reason, and have no power of speech.  They can never commune with God. They have no religion.  They cannot create.  They have no conscience.

These are further reasons why a human being could never come back as an animal.  The human soul could never –  a.  act as an animal through an animal body or b. cease to act in a human way.

Also, we emphatically deny that there is any truth in the teaching of Evolution.  In fact, there has never been found any proof for the theory of evolution.  Such things as carbon dating and fossil research have been proved by many creation Scientists as being unreliably recorded and unfounded in their results.

Note from the Bible record that there was not evolution.  The Bible states that “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”. Genesis 1:1.


The Bible states that God created everything in six literal days.  Genesis 1:3, 5, 31.  A day is twenty-four hours and not a thousand years.  I Peter 3:8 “with the Lord one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day” says “as”.  It does not state “with the Lord one day is a thousand years”.

During the l9th century, when the teaching of evolution was introduced, the Church was puzzled.  A certain Scotchman made this teaching popular, as well as did Schofield.  He stated that there are millions of years between verses 1 and 2 of Genesis 1.  This is contrary to the Word of God.  Genesis 1:31.  All was “very good”.  Their belief of chaos between verses 1 and 2 can not be said to be  “very good”.


Noah’s flood was the great judgment that affected man and the earth and not a supposed fall of Lucifer from supposed kingship over the earth.  2 Peter 3:6; 2:5; Matthew 24:37-39; Luke 17:27.  Nothing is stated anywhere that clearly involves Lucifer in a prior creation.  Therefore, to relate a fall of Satan to Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 has no foundation in Scripture.  It came down the centuries as a belief in the Roman Catholic Church from Jerome of the 4th century, who translated the Catholic “Vulgate Bible” from Hebrew/Greek into Latin while n Jerusalem with Jewish rabbis and from Tertullian.

Perhaps some explanation of both Isaiah 14 regarding Babylon and Ezekiel 28 about Tyre, would be appropriate.  These two chapters in both books are tied together.    The general view of those chapters that it refers to Satan was never taught by the early church.  It became a doctrine when Jerome of the Roman Catholic Church, in the fourth century and Tertullian whose doctrines generally tended to error, in the early third century, introduced the idea.

It was carried on right through the Middle Ages until the Protestant Reformation, when both Luther and Calvin rejected it.  It is sad that many of those wrong beliefs from the Catholic Church still exist in Pentecostal and Charismatic and Protestant circles.

Adam was given dominion over the earth, Genesis 1:27-30.  Satan was never given dominion over the earth.  Adam forfeited it to God in the Person of Jesus Christ, Matthew 28:18; Hebrews 4:11 and through Christ, back to redeemed man, “co-heirs with Jesus Christ” See in Romans 4:13 and Hebrews 11:18 with Galatians 3:16,18.  Satan is Prince of this World, meaning this world’s system of ideology, rule, culture, philosophy, ways and manner of life. 

Isaiah 14:8-11 refers to the King of Babylon, Meriodach-Baladan, who in chapter 39 sent messengers to King Hezekiah.  A special place was reserved for him in the world of the dead, because of his great evil, tyranny and idolatry.  The fall of that king, in verse 10, stirs all the kings already in Hades, in the place reserved for kings.  In verse 11, the love of music by the Babylonians is to be noted.

The whole of Isaiah 14 is about this king, who was also a god-king as was normal in those ancient days.  Verses 12 onwards concern a myth of the god, Lucifer, Helios Klymene, son of Eos.  Also, El-Elyon was a god and the god-king, Hebel, son of Schachar and a great hero, who tried to make himself like the god.  History says he wanted to make himself higher than the clouds, above all the stars of the god.  He would raise himself to the very mountain to the farthest north, where the gods gathered.  There he would reign over the universe, including the gods.

In a picture of Adam in his sin, in verse 12, “Day Star, Son of the Morn”, we could refer to 2 Peter 1:19 that says about the people of the Last Adam, Jesus Christ, ” until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts”.  This is not Satan.  It would appear that all the angelic beings were created on the first day in Genesis 1, according to Job 38:7, when they all “sang together”.

 Jesus saw “I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven”, Luke 10:18.  The notion that it speaks of Satan having fallen from a state he held, as “Choir Master” in heaven is wrong.  Again we have an example of readers of the Bible forming doctrines by taking a verse out of context.  In verse 1, the Lord appointed “seventy others” to go “ahead in pairs to every town and place where he himself intended to go”.  Verses 2 to 16, He instructed them how to do this and gave them the power to do so.

In verse 17 we read, “The seventy returned with joy, saying, ‘Lord, in your name even the demons submit to us”.  His reply commencing with verse 18, is about their casting out of demons.

As one commentary rightly says, “’Satan’ here denotes evidently the prince of the devils who had been cast out by the seventy disciples, for the discourse was respecting their power over evil spirits.  ‘Lightning’ is an image of ‘rapidity’ or ‘quickness’, (when He said) I saw Satan fall ‘quickly’ or rapidly – as quick as lightning. The phrase ‘from heaven’ is to be referred to the lightning, and does not mean that he saw ‘Satan’ fall ‘from heaven’, but that he fell as quick as lightning from heaven or from the clouds.  The whole expression then may mean, ‘I saw at your command devils immediately depart, as quick as the flash of lightning. I gave you this power – I saw it put forth – and I give also now, in addition to this, the power to tread on serpents.”

Isaiah 14 refers to the Edenic curse and not to the fall of Lucifer as commonly taught.  Regarding Satan in John 8:44, Jesus said, “He was a murderer from the beginning”.   Is there any difference in God allowing someone or something He created to become evil or in an actual creation of someone or something innately evil?  God is often said in the Scriptures that “He hardened” persons.

In Isaiah 14:16, it refers to “the man who made the earth tremble”.  Of course, primarily that is the King of Babylon.  Satan is not a man.  This King also refers to Adam as he who made the earth tremble – with his sin.  

Ezekiel 28:11 is about the King of Tyre.  How can any king be a picture of Satan, who is not a man, who does not die and go into the grave or Pit?  It would appear that those verses onwards are also a picture of Adam.  He was in Eden, a place never controlled by Satan.  He was the “anointed cherub”, or living man (in Christ).  He was driven out of the Garden of Eden, when God placed a Cherub to “guide (or guard) the way to the Tree of Life.  This Cherub could represent “eternal life”, the very life of God, in the believer, that is the only way to future heaven and a new not reclaimed “Eden” of the new earth.

Continuing in Ezekiel 28, Verse 4 shows the vanity in the greatness of the man and the King.  In Verse13, there is no mention of music in more recent English translations.  For all music lovers, it might be good to remember that music has to be a God-created ability but that the wicked line of Cain produced evil Lamech, whose son, Jubal, “was the ancestor of all those who play the lyre and pipe”, Genesis 4:17-24, noting Verse 21.  As a musician with most talented musicians and singers in my family, I have noticed in musicians around the world in the church and out of it that the area of music is one most prone to money-making, vanity, pride, egotism and promotion of self.

The god of many Christian musicians is their music and their ability to make music.  The “worship musicians and ministries” often in actuality, worship their worship!  All music in the church should be “in the Spirit”.  It should never be the focus in a service.  It should merely be an accompaniment to the command to individual believers as in Hebrews 13:15, “Through Him, then, let us continually offer a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that confess his name”.

  Jesus is to be Lord and all believers are to walk in the Spirit as they are filled with the Spirit.  They are to worship “in Spirit and in Truth”.  Talents of musicians in musical instruments have little part in the New Testament kind of worship if one observes the words of Jesus and those of the writings of Paul and the author of Hebrews.

We should not follow Old Testament forms of worship that always included the sacrifices of a multitude of animals.  Everything in that institution of worship are types, mere shadows, of the New Testament way that is based on our having turned to Christ from the old covenant, with the veils over our minds removed, as in 2 Corinthians 3:16.  Thus we have as in verses 17&18, “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.  And all of us, with unveiled faces, seeing the glory of the Lord as though reflected in a mirror are being transformed into the same image, from one degree of glory to another; for this comes from the Lord, the Spirit” – not stated as from any participation of music.

Lucifer therefore is not the author of music as some believe.  It is part of God’s fallen creation of man.  The reference to music in Isaiah 14:22, “the sound of your harps” refers not to Lucifer in heaven or even Adam but particularly to the king of Babylon, a man of history who received the judgment of God.  The Babylonians as stated, loved music. 

With regard to harps in the book of Revelation cannot mean the actual harps that we have on earth.  All musical instruments along with other material goods will be destroyed when the Lord does His destructive work of judgment according to Peter.  It could be that the vision of heavenly things can only be understood if stated in earthly, presently human words.  The true import of those verses is that the dead believers are living in heaven, worshipping the Lord and being in His presence with fulness of joy.  They are consciously active.  “We see through a glass darkly” Paul tells us.  It is not intended for us while on earth to be able to peep into heaven or to understand the glorious mysteries of the after-life.   We walk now in faith and not with sight.

Back to Ezekiel 28.  Remember that Verse 11 shows the verses following are part of the prophetic lamentation over the king of Tyre, who cannot be Lucifer.  The king is written down in history as having existed.   Being a man, he would be a type of Adam and not of Lucifer who is not a man.

Verse 14, in speaking of the “anointed cherub” cannot have reference to Satan.  He is not “anointed” and neither can it be the Anti-Christ in Daniel 9:26 whom some say it is.  They say this with regard to “an Anointed One shall be cut off”, who can only be Christ (“the Anointed”), cut off in death on the cross.  Ezekiel 2:14 can only refer to “man”, Adam.  We look at “cherub” in Genesis 3:24 that certainly was not Satan as the one placed at the entrance of the Garden to “keep the way to the Tree of Life”.  The cherub-im can only refer to the “Life of God in man”, as indicated by the cherubim before the throne of God, worshipping the Lamb of God, Revelation 4:6; 5:8,9,11-14.   Verse 17 of Ezekiel 28, as well as referring to the King of Tyre, has a reference to Adam.  See Proverbs 16:4 for further thought. 

There is no suggestion in either Ezekiel 28 or Isaiah 14 of the being of Satan.  It is about men.  See Ezekiel 30:10,11; 31:12.   


God has revealed certain things about the “After Life” in The New Testament.

The Bible is a gradual unfolding.

         a. The revelation that God gave to man was spread over sixteen hundred years. 

         b. The “After Life” in the New Testament reveals more than in the Old Testament.  The real reason is that the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ altered everything. 

         c. Jesus is the “Second Adam”, or the “Last Adam”, 1 Corinthians 15:45; Romans 5:14.  When the “first Adam” fell into sin, the condition of the earth, growing things and the animals, as well as that of man was changed.  Genesis 3:14-19.  The coming of the “Second Adam” has already begun to bring about a change in all creation, including the after life.


         a. They show that the souls of the righteous lived on in the unseen world, Matthew 27:52.  It says, “and the tombs were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised”.  God did not create new people.  He resurrected out from the dead, the deceased bodies.  Their souls came back into new resurrected bodies.  This happened at the time of the crucifixion.  The Everyday Bible says in Matthew 27:52,53, “The graves opened and many of God’s people who had died were raised from death.  They (not just bodies) came out of the graves after Jesus was raised from death.  They went into the holy city and many people saw them.”

It would appear that there living spirits were given immortal bodies because they were merely “seen”.  The Bible does not say they lived there or that they died again.  We do not know.

         b. The works of Jesus give a clearer understanding than the Old Testament.  He specifically declares that at death, the important thing is that the soul and spirit exist on afterwards.

What the New Testament says About the General Resurrection

         a. All will be raised with bodies, Even the wicked will stand before God’s Judgment Throne, Revelation 20:11-15.

         b. John 5:28, 29 “All who are in their tombs” will hear the voice of the Son of Man.  “those who have done good, to the resurrection of life; and those who have practised evil, to the resurrection of judgment”.  See Isaiah 26:19.  Daniel 12:2.  “Many people who have already died will live again.  Some of them will wake up to have life forever.  But some will wake up to find shame and disgrace forever”.

         c. The wicked will stand before the Great White Throne.  Revelation 20:11-13.  Unbelievers are already under condemnation.  John 3:36; 5:24; Romans 8:I.  Believers have already passed out of judgment, from death unto life.  Also Colossians 1:13.  This judgment is according to Revelation 20:13-15 “if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire”.

                      i. Jesus mentioned a resurrection to condemnation, Matthew 10:28; 12:41,42.  “The men of Nineveh and the queen of Sheba will arise at the judgment” with the generation of Jesus.  Matthew 10:15; 11:22,24; 12:36; Luke 10:14 is about “the last judgment”.  At His voice some will be resurrected with new bodies and the rest will be raised again but certainly not with resurrection, immortal bodies.

                      ii. Jesus said there was eternal fire or eternal punishment, Matthew 25:, 41, 46.  In Mark 9:48, He said, “In hell the worm does not die; the fire is never stopped”.  The translation from the Aramaic language that was used when Jesus was on earth is, “Where the embers do not die and the fire does not go out”.  It is the “Gehenna of fire”.  In Mark 3:29, Jesus speaks of “eternal damnation”.  In Matthew 25:41,46, “everlasting fire” and “everlasting punishment”.

                      iii. Paul, in 2 Thessalonians 1:8 “dealing out retribution to those who do not know God and to those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus.  9, And these will pay the penalty of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power.”  They will be punished forever.

                      iv. Matthew 25:46 refers to both “eternal life” and “eternal punishment”. The same word, “aionios” is used for “eternal”.

         d. Hell was not prepared for the unbelievers.  It was prepared for the devil and his angels, Matthew 25:41.  Therefore it could be that no one is “elected to perdition”.  It is those who continually reject light and truth.  They deny who Christ is and in the end are punished forever.  Romans 2:8 “for those who do not obey the truth… there will be wrath and fury”.

         e. The two resurrections are shown as happening simultaneously in John 5:29.  Paul does not refer to separate resurrections.  Only in Revelation 20:4-6 is there mentioned any period between any resurrections.

What Did Jesus Say About the After Life?

         a. He speaks of the unseen world of Hades.  Luke 16:20-30.

                      i. In Verse 22, the poor man (Lazarus) died.  He was carried away by the angels.  This was not his body, of course but his spirit.

                      ii. He was taken into Abraham’s bosom.  Abraham existed, in life, in the world of the unseen and was conscious.

                      iii. Verse 23, in Hades, the rich man could see.  He was in pain as he was tormented.  He could look at those with Abraham.  Verse 24.  He could speak.  He could even speak to Abraham.

                      iv. Verse 25, Abraham, who had been dead for just over 2,000 years, spoke.

                      v. Verse 26, there was a separation between the evil and the godly.

                      vi. Verses 27-31, the departed soul cannot communicate with those still living on earth.  Anyone who tries to speak to a dead loved one, will never hear from them and they will never hear him.  All the person will hear will be an evil spirit.  We are forbidden to do this.  Deuteronomy 18:11.

                      vii. This is not merely a story.  It was described by Jesus as something that actually happened, because he named two, Lazarus and Abraham.

         b. In this passage of Scripture, Jesus clearly shows that :

                      i. Before the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the departed souls exist in two places.  One place was one of peace, Abraham’s bosom.  The other place was full of torment, where all the ungodly souls of the departed dead went in Old Testament times.

His words give a clearer understanding than the Old Testament.  He specifically declares that at death, the important thing is that the soul and spirit exist on afterwards.

                      ii. The departed dead exist.  They, in death, are conscious, they have faculties.  They hear, see and speak.  They can move about as evidenced by the fact that the rich man wanted Lazarus to “go”.  His error was that Lazarus could not go “back” to earth.

                      iii. The rich man recognized Lazarus and Abraham.  This shows that the dead whose souls with the spirits have left the body, have a spirit form that is similar to their former bodies.  Also, there is a certain knowledge they have, not possible on earth, as he knew Abraham who had been dead for centuries.

         c. JESUS gave hope to the thief on the cross Luke 23:43.  This thief repented and believed.  Jesus gave the assurance that when he died, he would be “with Christ in Paradise”.  Copeland’s version, saying that “Jesus said today – ‘You will be with me in paradise’” is ridiculous.  Of course, he had to say that to prove his wrong point that Jesus went to hell, full of sin, a sinner, where He (full of sin could do this?) defeated Satan and was the “first man to be born again”.  Jesus said, TCNT, “This very day” or KJV “Today” – “you will be with me in paradise”.  Leviticus 16:17, on the Day of Atonement, typical of Jesus dying as an atonement for our sin, says “No one shall be in the tent of meeting from the time he enters to make atonement in the sanctuary until he comes out and has made atonement for himself and for his house and for all the assembly of Israel”.  Jesus, in His Spirit, while His body was in death, as Man and God, went into the Sanctuary in heaven where He offered His Divine Blood as atonement.  Copeland does not understand the redemption of Christ and is a heretic.  See this about Jesus in Hebrews 9:12, “He entered once for all into the Holy Place (in heaven), not with the blood of goats and calves, but with His own blood”.

         d. Jesus said that whoever believed on Him would never die, Luke 11:25 He said to Martha, after her brother Lazarus had died, “I AM the resurrection and the life.  He who believes in me will have life even if he dies”.


Jesus spoke to a dead man, John 11:43.  Lazarus was in his grave.  He had been there four days.  Jesus “cried out in a loud voice, ‘Lazarus come out”.  He was calling his soul and spirit back from the unseen world, to enter his body.  This body was already in a state of being decomposed.  Jesus’ Word performed a miracle also with this corpse.  It came out, having been restored to life.  Lazarus was still tightly wrapped in his grave clothes.  Yet he walked.  What wonderful miracles Jesus did.

         b. Jesus also spoke to the young girl who was dead.  He took her (note her, not her corpse) by the hand.  She came to life.  Mark 5:41 “Little girl, I say to you, arise!”

         c. He also spoke to the dead man in the coffin.  Luke 7:13.  “Young man I say to you arise!”

These three miracles were not mere fairy stories or myths.  They actually happened.  The bible as well as being the revelation from God, is also a book of history.  It is history that these three miracles occurred.  They prove without a doubt that there is a spirit and soul and that it can return into its personal corpse.  In addition, these miracles reveal the mighty power of Jesus Christ over death.

Annihilation, Destruction of the Soul is Not Taught in the Bible.

         a. The Old Testament or the New Testament do not mention the possibility that any person will be made totally extinct.  For the meaning of “destruction”, we must see the meaning of the verb “perish” in John 11:50; Acts 5:37; 1 Corinthians 10:9,10; Jude 11.  As we examine these verses it is clear that “perish” does not mean complete annihilation or destruction.

         b.  The following passages make it obvious that nowhere “destruction” or “perishing” means complete annihilation: –

                      i. “destruction” Matthew 7:13; Philippians 3:19; Hebrews 10:39; 2 Peter 3:7; Revelation 17:8,11.

                      ii. “perishing” John 3:16; 10:28; Romans 2:12; 1 Corinthians 1:18; I5:18; 2 Corinthians 2:15; 2 Peter 3:9.

There are two resurrections.  One to life and one to judgment.


  Jesus Himself Predicted His Death and Resurrection.

         a. He did this in: –

                      i.   Mark 8:31-33; Matthew 16:21-23; Luke 9:22.

                    ii . Mark 9:30-32; Matthew 17:22,23; Luke 9:43b-45.

                    iii. Mark 10:32-34; Matthew 20:17-19; Luke 18:31.  The disciples failed to understand.  Mark 9:10.  They persistently disbelieved, Luke 24:11.  Jesus told them that the Son of Man (Himself) must suffer many things and be rejected, according to the scriptures.

         b.  Some Old Testament Prophetical Scriptures are Isaiah 53; Psalm 22; Psalm 69:21, Matthew 27:34; Psalm 118:22, Matthew 21:42; Zechariah 12:10.  These predictions were made centuries before Christ came and even indicated how he would die (hands and feet pierced on the Cross) and his resurrection.

The record of the events after the resurrection of Jesus Christ shows that –

         a. Before dawn, after the actual resurrection, there was an earthquake.  An angel rolled away the stone.  The guards were afraid and ran away.  Matthew 28:2-4.

         b. As Sunday morning was dawning, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Salome came to the tomb.  They were going to anoint the body of Jesus.  They were amazed.  The stone was rolled away.  Matthew 28:1; Mark 16:1-4; John 20:1.

         c. One or more of the women went into the tomb.  It was set into the side of a hill.  They said, “The body is not here”. John 20:2.

         d. Mary Magdalene immediately returned to tell Peter and John that the body was gone.  John 20:2.

         e. Mary, {mother of James) and Salome saw an angel (a ‘young man’ the book of Mark says) inside the tomb.  The angel announced the resurrection.  He told the women to tell the disciples that Jesus would meet them in Galilee.  Matthew 28:5-7, Mark 16:5-7.  Note: The first preachers of the gospel, were women.

         f. These two women returned to the city without greeting anyone on the way.  They were full of holy awe.  They could not speak!

         g. Certain women from Galilee, along with Joanna (Luke 8:3), arrived at the tomb.  They had perfumed oil to anoint the body of Jesus.  They met two ‘men’ (angels, Luke 24:4, 23).  They returned to the eleven disciples and ‘the rest’.  They told them about the angels’ message of the resurrection.  Luke 24:1-9,22,23; Matthew 26:56.

         h. Meanwhile, informed by Mary Magdalene, Peter and John (and others? Luke 24:24) ran to the tomb.  They did not meet Mary and Salome.  ‘They saw the graveclothes.  They returned home.  John 20:3-10; Luke 24:12.

         i. Mary Magdalene followed Peter and John to the tomb, saw two angels inside and then met Jesus.  John 20:11-17, Mark 16:9.

         j. Mary Magdalene returned to inform the disciples that Jesus had risen.  Mary Magdalene followed Peter and John to the tomb, saw two angels inside and then met Jesus.  John 20:18; Mark 16:10, 11.

         k. Mary, mother of James and Salome met Jesus and were directed to tell his brethren to go to Galilee.  Matthew 28:9, 10.

         l. The disciples now had reports concerning the empty tomb, or the Resurrection, from three sources.  Mary Magdalene, Joanna and the women from Galilee and Mary and Salome.  They refused to believe these reports.  Luke 24:10,11; Mark 16:11.

         m. During the afternoon Jesus appeared to two disciples on the way to Emmaus.  These two returned to Jerusalem to tell about His appearance to the eleven disciples and others.  Luke 24:13-35; Mark 16: 12-13.

         n. Jesus appeared to Peter.  Luke 24:34; 1 Corinthians 15:5.

         o. That evening Jesus appeared to the Eleven and others.  Luke 24:33; Thomas was absent.  Luke 36-43; John 20:19-23; 1 Corinthians 15:5; Mark 16:I4.

         p. One week later Jesus appeared to the Eleven, Thomas being present.  John 20:26-29.

         q. Seven disciples encountered Jesus by the Sea of Tiberias.  John 21:1-22.

         r. Jesus appeared to more than five hundred.  1 Corinthians 15:6; Luke 24:44-49.

         s. Jesus appeared to James.  1 Corinthians 15:7.       

         t. Just before His ascension to heaven, Jesus appeared to the Eleven.  Luke 24:50-52; Acts 1:6-11; 1 Corinthians 15:7; Mark 16:19,20.

Regarding the appearances of Jesus –

         a. All the accounts of His appearances share this common pattern:

                      i.   The situation being bereft of their Lord.

                      ii.  The appearance of the Lord.

                      iii. His greeting.

                      iv. The recognition of Jesus by those to whom He appeared.

                      v.  His word of command.

         b.  After His resurrection, Jesus appeared to: individuals, Luke 24:34; John 20:11-17; 1 Corinthians l5:51,71: to small groups ranging from two to eleven persons, Matthew 28:9,10,16,17; John 21:1,2; 1 Corinthians l5:5b,7b; a larger group, 1 Corinthians 15:6; Acts 13:31; to men, Matthew 28;16,l7: to women, Matthew 28:9,10; John 20:11-17.  He appeared for brief periods, Matthew 28:9,10; John 20:14-17: for longer periods, Luke 24:13-31; John 21:4-22: in the morning, John 21:4: the afternoon, Luke 24:13-15,28,29; the evening, John 20:19-23 – he engaged in various activities, such as teaching, Matthew 28:16-20, Luke 24:44-49; John 20:23,29; Acts 1:3,6-8; 10:42; He was walking and talking, Luke 24:13-27: preparing breakfast, John 21:9-13;  taking food, Luke 24:41-43; Acts 1:4; 10:41.

         c. The Nature of These Appearances.

                      i. In the Old Testament; God appeared in a way that did not include a visual presentation.  Exodus 33:11, although Moses spoke with God ‘face to face’, he did not see His ‘face’.  Exodus 3:2,4,16 Moses was “afraid to look at God”.  In His Resurrection, Christ has what God does not have and that is a “spiritual body”.  God is Spirit.  He is Three Persons in One, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  It is God the Son who came to earth and was made in the likeness of his brethren, us and shared in flesh and blood.  Hebrews 2:14-16.  God, the Son, is also a Man for all eternity.

                      ii. One of the properties of this resurrected body of Jesus is to materialise at will and be seen.  They saw Him, Matthew 28:7,l7; Mark 16:7; Luke 24:24,37,39 twice; John 20:14,18,20,25,27,29 twice; Acts 9:27; 26:16; 1 Corinthians 9:1.  Some “recognised” Him, Luke 24:16,31.

                      iii. The witnesses were not merely passive spectators.  They actively participated in an encounter that involved hearing as well as seeing.  He was “touched”. Luke 24:37-40; John’ 20:20,25,27.

                      iv. The appearances of Jesus caused – fear and uncertainty, Luke 24:37,38: or doubt, Matthew 28:17b.  The appearances also resulted in faith, John 20:16,25,28; 21:7: joy, Luke 24:50-52; John 20:20: and worship, Matthew 28:9, 17a; John 20:28.

         d. The eleven separate appearances in the four Gospels are: –

                      i.    to Mary Magdalene, John 20:11-17 in Jerusalem.

                      ii.   to Mary, mother of James and Salome, Matthew 28:9,10.

                      iii. to the two travellers on the road to Emmaus, Luke 24:13-32, near Jerusalem.

                      iv. to Peter, Luke 24:34; 1 Corinthians 15:5, in Jerusalem.

                      v. to the eleven and others, Thomas absent, Luke 24:33,36-43; John 20:19-23; 1 Corinthians 15:5.  In Jerusalem.

                      vi. to the eleven, John 20:26-29.  In Jerusalem.

                      vii. to seven of the disciples, John 21:1-22.  In Galilee.

                      viii. to the eleven, Matthew 28:16-20.  In Galilee.

                      ix. to more than 500 brethren, 1 Corinthians 15:6, ? Luke 24:44-49.  Probably it was in Jerusalem.

                      x.   to James, 1 Corinthians 15:7.  Location uncertain.

                      xi. to the eleven, Luke 24:50-52; Acts 1:6-11; 1 Corinthians 15:7.  In Jerusalem. 

The nature of the resurrection body of Jesus Christ is disclosed as the Gospels reveal that the risen body of Jesus was somewhat unlike his body before He died on the Cross.

         a. After the Resurrection:

                      i. He could pass through a sealed tomb.  Matthew 28:2,6, the grave-clothes were still in the tomb.

                      ii.   He could go through closed doors, John 20:19,26.

                      iii. He was transported without physical movement, such as walking. “Jesus stood among them”, Luke 24:36; John 20:19, 26.

Generally, there was no approach or withdrawal that was apparent.

                      iv. He appeared and he disappeared in an instant, Luke 24:31,36.  However, his stay was never just that of a moment, as he always conversed with those to whom he appeared.

                      v. In the Gospels, the beginning of the appearance is mentioned but the disappearance is not, except for the ascension.

         b. Obviously, the essential state of His resurrected body was one of invisibility and therefore not material but spiritual.  The Greek word “ophthe” is used, meaning, he came into visibility”, translated “appeared” – in Luke 24:34; Acts 9:17; 13:31; 26:16a; 1 Corinthians 15:5-8 four times; 1 Timothy 3:16.  In Acts 10:40, it is to become visible. 

         c.  Those to whom Jesus appeared, were said to “See” Him, Matthew 28:7,17; Mark 16:7; Luke 24:24,37,39 twice; John 20:14,18,20,25,27,29 twice; Acts 9:27; 26:16; 1 Corinthians 9:1.

         d. This resurrected body could materialise at will.  He could be seen, Luke 24:39,40; John 20:20,29a; Acts 1:9: he could be touched, Matt.28:9; Luke 24:39; John 20:27.

                      i. They were asked to handle His body.  It convinced them of its reality.  Luke 24:39b. “a (bodiless) spirit does not have flesh and bones, as you see that I have”.  The blood, the symbol and seat of corruptible life, was not mentioned.

                      ii. His body was capable of receiving food – as evidence it was indeed a body.  Luke 24:37-40 AND Thomas, who thought the Resurrection to be impossible John 20:24-27, were invited to handle Jesus.

                      iii. He permitted Mary and Salome to clasp His feet as an expression of their worship Matthew 28:9.  But to Mary Magdalene, who imagined that Jesus had already ascended to his Father and who wished to perpetuate after this resurrection, her former relationship with Him, Jesus said: “Stop clinging to me!”  John 20:17.  For her, the message was that her spiritual relationship with Him was not to be compromised by preoccupation with the physical.

         e.  To some, His body was radiant.  Acts 7:55,56, Stephen; Acts 9:3-9; 22:6-11; 26:12-15 Galatians 1:15,16; 1 Corinthians 9:l; 15:8, Paul; and Revelation 1:12-16 by John.  Why was this?  Because His spiritual body, now ascended, was in its natural habitat.  To earthlings, it was radiant.  Matthew 17:2 was a foreshadowing.

The Resurrection opened for Jesus a “spiritual” mode of existence, so that He received a “spirit”ual body.  1 Corinthians 15:44,45.

         a. It was both immaterial and invisible, yet capable of interaction with the world of time and space.  The appearances of Jesus were not successive reincarnations of Christ.  He came into the material, visible world, from the spiritual, invisible world.  He could thus convince the disciples that it was He and that He was real in this resurrected state.

         b. The resurrection did not make Jesus “pure spirit”.  In His resurrection Jesus IS ‘life-giving spirit’, 1 Cor. 15:45.  This means that His is a form with a body, in which the Spirit is supreme.  It is not bound by time and space.  It is constantly generating new spiritual life.

         c. Christ’s risen body responded to the dictates of His spirit or will.  It did not depend on environment, it was free from that.  His appearances were visitations from heaven, the natural habitat of His glorified body.

         d. The resurrection of Christ was not like the ‘raisings’ in Mark 5:22-24, 35-43; Luke 7:11-17; John 4:46-53; 11:1-44.  Because Jesus was both resuscitated and transformed.  He arose in a glorified, deathless state.    Romans 6:9.  Also, His resurrection was not witnessed.  He was not permanently and openly visible in His resurrected state. 


None of the disciples ever expected Jesus would rise from the dead.  When the angels appeared with the announcement of His resurrection, the news was not believed.  Thomas totally doubted the testimony of even those who had seen Him.

Therefore, we are faced with evidence and testimony as recorded in the four Gospels and in the book of Acts, that comes from those who did not believe it could happen and when it happened still would not believe.  Their unbelief changed to belief because they saw Him, they heard Him and they touched Him, 1 John 1:1,2.

1.  It Vindicated That Jesus was the Son of God.  Matthew 11:27.

         a. Jesus called Him “Abba (Father)”.  He referred to Himself as Son of God Mark 12:6; 13:32 and sometimes others called Him “Son of God”, Matthew l6:16; 27:54.  He was indeed the Son of God.

         b. The Resurrection openly testified to His being the Son of God.  Romans 1:3,4. “with the Spirit of holiness he was appointed to be God’s Son with great power by rising from death.”  The Resurrection brought Him forth as the Son of God with power.

2.  The meaning of the Resurrection before God.

         a. It showed that the Sacrifice of God’s Son for our sins was favourable to God.  Luke 9:22; 24:46; Acts 5:31; Ephesians 5:2 “a fragrant offering”.  It showed that God accepted the Righteousness of His Son.  Romans 4:25, “Just as human sin brought about the death of Jesus, so the achievement by Him of our justification brought about His resurrection”.

         b. Christ was declared righteous.  1 Timothy 3:16, “Great indeed, we confess, is the mystery of godliness; He (Christ) was manifested in the flesh, vindicated in the Spirit, seen by angels, preached among the nations, believed on in the world, taken up in glory”.

                      i.  “Vindicated” means here “declared righteous”, “endorsed, proved, pronounced as”.

                      ii.  Looking at the “mystery” above, as is said, “The contents of this truth or mystery in Christ, revealed in the gospel as the Saviour from ungodliness, the norm and inspiration of godliness, the divine life in man, causing him to live unto God as Christ did and does”.  This is what Christianity is all about for us in this world.

                      iii. That it was “Christ” who was “manifest in the flesh” is shown by the Greek word, “hos”, a relative pronoun, referring to “Christ” as its antecedent in verse 15.

                      iv. “Justified” in the King James, comes from the Greek, “dikaiao”, meaning here, “vindicated, endorsed, proved, pronounced as”.  Copeland’s heretical theory that Jesus was “born again” and then “justified” is totally wrong.  Why are millions listening to him on Television and reading his books?

The words, “flesh” and “spirit”, so says Wuest, a converted Jewish Hebrew and Greek scholar, “are set in opposition to one another.  The former word refers to our Lord’s life on earth as the Man Christ Jesus.  The latter word refers to what He was in His preincarnate state as pure spirit, as Deity, as being in the form of God and as being the express image of God; s substance.  The word ‘flesh’ refers to His humanity.  The word ‘spirit’ refers to His Deity”.

3.  How was the resurrection vindicated?  It was by His resurrection to immortal life.  It proved that His obedience to God had been complete.  His claims to be Messiah were confirmed.  His suffering for sin had been effective.  Mark 1:11; 9:7.  Like that audible Voice of God at His baptism and on the Mount of Transfiguration, the resurrection was the inaudible voice of Divine approval of the Son.

The resurrection vindicated that Jesus was indeed the Messiah (the Anointed One, looked for by the Jews).

         a. God vindicated His Son who was obedient and oppressed.  Psalm 103:6; Isaiah 62:1,2; 50:5,8,9; 53:11,12; Psalm 24:3-5; 37:6; 135:14.

         b. Jesus had been accredited by His mighty works, Acts 2:22.  Most Jews ignored that accreditation when Jesus was crucified.  They rejected Him.  God accepted Him and installed Him as Messiah.  See Mark 14:62.  Acts 2:30-36, “God has made Him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified”.

The resurrection vindicated the work and death of Jesus.

         a. The Law said that anybody “hanged on a tree” was cursed.  Deuteronomy 21:22,23; Acts 5:30; 10:39; Galatians 3:13.  Nobody could believe the Messiah would be crucified.  Such a thing was a stumbling block, 1 Corinthians 1:23.  God, the One who pronounced the curse must vindicate.  He did so, by raising Jesus from the dead, Acts 2:23, 24.  The verdict, “Jesus is cursed” was proved false.  Indeed He was cursed instead of us.  Thus by the resurrection, God proved there was no verdict of “cursed” on the Person of Jesus Himself.  We were cursed.  The verdict of a curse was on Jesus in our place.  He was cursed instead of us.  Instead, the Divine verdict is: “Jesus is Lord and Messiah”, Acts 2:36.  Acts 4:10,11 shows that Jesus had become the cornerstone, “This is the stone which was rejected by you builders but which has become the head of the corner”.

         b. The Resurrection vindicated the work of Jesus.  It proved that Christ as the ransom for sin met with God’s approval.  It proved that God accepted the Sacrifice of His Son for our sins.  Luke 9:22; 24:46; Acts 5:31.  It showed that God accepted the Righteousness of His Son.  Romans 4:25, just as human sin brought about the death of Jesus, so the achievement of our justification brought about His resurrection.  It proved that Christ as the ransom for sin and that “Christ crucified” was a stumbling block to Jews and “folly” to Gentiles, 1 Corinthians 1:23.

The Resurrection vindicated and confirmed Jesus was the Son of God

         a. Jesus called Him “Abba (Father)”, Matthew 11:27.  He referred to Himself as “Son of God”, Mark 12:6; 13:32 and sometimes others called Him “Son of God”, Matthew l6:16; 27:54.  He was indeed the Son of God.

         b. The Resurrection openly testified to His being the Son of God.  Romans 1:3,4 shows that “with the Spirit of holiness he was appointed to be God’s Son with great power by rising from death.”  The Resurrection also brought Him forth as the Son of God with power.

None of the disciples ever expected Jesus would rise from the dead.  When the angels appeared with the announcement of His resurrection, the news was not believed.  Thomas totally doubted the testimony of even those who had seen Him.

Therefore, we are faced with evidence and testimony as recorded in the four Gospels and in the book of Acts, that comes from those who did not believe it could happen and when it happened still would not believe.  Their unbelief changed to belief because they saw Him, they heard Him and they touched Him, 1 John 1:1,2.


The tomb was discovered to be empty 36 hours after the burial of Jesus.  Evidence that the tomb was empty is seen in:

         a. The account of the resurrection is found in all four of the Gospels.  Matthew 28; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 20.

         b. The early Christians claimed that Jesus had been risen from the dead.  The Jews could not refute or disprove it.  Acts 3:13; 5:30; 2:23,24; 3:13-15; 4:10; 5:30,31.  Unless there was reliable evidence that the tomb was empty and that there was no corpse anywhere, the Christians could not have survived in their new faith.  As well, Joseph of Arimathea, who was a respected member of the council, i.e. the Sanhedrin, the Jewish ruling religious body, gave his tomb for the burial.  He knew there came about the resurrection.  All the council members had to believe him.  Mark 15:43, 42-46; Matthew 27:57-60; Luke 23:50-653; John 19:38-42.

         c. Three of the Gospels depict women as the first witnesses of the empty tomb.  Women were not accepted to be legal witnesses according to Jewish legal principles.  If the story of the Resurrection were a fairy tale, it would have said “men”.

         d. The Jews knew that as there was no body still entombed, He was indeed risen.  The stone shutting up the corpse in the tomb had been removed.

         e. The early church changed the set day of worship from Saturday to Sunday.  It was because they were celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus on the first day of the week.  Acts 20:7; 1 Corinthians 16:2; Revelation 1:10.

         f. The Jews always venerated the burial places of the prophets and other holy persons.  Matthew 23:29.  Christians gave no attention to the tomb of Jesus according to the Bible.

There were appearances of Jesus.  Certain persons believed –

         a. They had seen someone whom they recognised as Jesus, with their physical eyes and when they were awake.

         b. His resurrected body was capable of doing things never before known.

         c. The writers of the four Gospels wrote sober accounts of the Resurrection, as they were witnesses that He had risen and made appearances.

         d. The survival of the Church hinges on the Resurrection.  Had historians been able to disprove the Resurrection, there would be no Church.

 Jesus Himself predicted His death and resurrection.

         a.   He did this in: –

                      i.   Mark 8:31-33; Matthew 16:21-23; Luke 9:22.

                      ii.  Mark 9:30-32; Matthew 17:22,23; Luke 9:43b-45.

                      iii. Mark 10:32-34; Matthew 20:17-19; Luke 18:31.

         b. The disciples failed to understand, Mark 9:10.  They persistently disbelieved, Luke 24:11.  Jesus told them that the Son of Man (Himself) must suffer many things and be rejected, according to the scriptures.  Some Old Testament Prophetical Scriptures are Isaiah 53; Psalm 22; Psalm 69:21 (Matthew 27:34); Psalm 118:22 (Matthew 21:42); Zechariah 12:10.  These predictions were made centuries before Christ came and even indicated how he would die (hands and feet pierced on the Cross).  They prophesied his resurrection.


 Jesus was exalted on the cross, John 3:14; Numbers 21:9.  “Exalted is indicated by “raised high”.  He was “raised to the highest” and “exalted more highly” as in Acts 2:33; 5:31; Philippians 2:9.

  The meaning of exalted.

         a. It was a position of highest honour and supreme power.  He was being placed in that position.

         b. The Exaltation began on the cross.  On the Cross, Jesus was lifted up to be seen of men and by God to a place of supreme glory and lordship.  John 3:14; 8:28; 12:32,34.  The hour of death was the hour of glorification.  John 17:1.  See also Ephesians 1:20; Hebrews 1:3; 8:1; 10:12; 12:2.


  He arose out of the grave and rising towards heaven.  He led captivity captive (Ephesians 4:8). The souls of the saints were taken up into heaven itself, there to live until Jesus comes at the Resurrection.  Psalm 63:10.

 Jesus had triumphed over principalities and powers, Colossians 2:15 – “God defeated the spiritual rulers and powers.  With the cross God won the victory and defeated then.  He showed the world that they were powerless”.  Read Hosea 6:2; Isaiah 26:19, the hope for those under the Old Testament who die in the Lord – a type of the fullness of the future Resurrection of the dead.

  All the faithful followed their Redeemer, into heaven itself.  They went through the curtain that was torn.  Matthew 26:51.  The new and living way is opened.  Hebrews 10:19,20.  Even without their bodies until the Resurrection Day, they enjoy peace and glory with the Lord.

  He “sits at the right hand of God”.

         a. “My Lord” is Christ.  In Psalm 110:1, “My LORD (YHWH) says to my Lord (ADONAI), ‘sit at my right hand’.”  Jesus asked in Luke 20:41-44, how He who is Lord can also be the Son.  “My Lord is Christ, who sits at the right hand of God.

See Colossians 3:1; Matthew 26:64; Mark 14:62; Luke 22:69; Romans 8:34; I Peter 3:22.  This sitting down relates to the fact that His task is completed.  Hebrews 10:12.

5.  Jesus did not become Divine through exaltation.

He is the “I AM”. John 8:58, Jesus said, “Before Abraham was, I AM”.

He was given the name and function of Lord so that, in the estimation of men, He appears “equal to God”, or “As God”.

  Christ’s Glory before leaving heaven.

         a. John 17:5,11is a pray for His former glory.  It describes Christ’s return to heaven as “I am coming to You.  Give me glory with You.  Give me “The glory I had with You before the world was made”.

         b.   He is exalted because of His humiliation.  In Philippians 2:5-11, Paul said, “Think as Christ Jesus thought.  Jesus has always been as God is.  But He did not hold to His rights as God.  He put aside everything that belonged to Him and made Himself the same as a workman who is owned by someone.  He became human by being born as man.  After He became a man, He gave up His important place and obeyed by dying on a cross.  Because of this, God lifted Jesus high above everything else.  He gave Him a name that is greater than any other name.  So when the name of Jesus is spoken, everyone in heaven and on earth and under the earth will get down on his knees in front of Him.  And everyone will say with his tongue that Jesus Christ is Lord.  Everyone will give honour to God the Father.  New Life Testament, English.

“Lord” Greek being kurios, verse 11 – indicates that in His exalted state Jesus has a new rank.  He is universal Lord.

         a. Jesus has now added to His former eternal glory, which He had before His incarnation-” (fresh) glory and honour” Hebrews 2:9.  Luke 24:26; 1 Peter 1:21; Isaiah 53:12 fitting Him for this glory, after He poured out His soul unto death.

         b. He is now sitting.

                      i.  His ‘Sitting’ Involves action.  John 5:17 “I too am at work”.

                      ii. His present ministry is the exercise of His universal rule, 1 Corinthians 15:24; Colossians 1:13.  To sit at God’s right hand is to have unlimited power and authority, Acts 2:14-36; Psalm 110:1.  God made Jesus Lord, Philippians 2:5-11.  The Father granted Jesus the glory of recognition of His divine status.  He shared the essential attributes of God (‘existing in the form of God’).  This became His actual possession only at His exhalation.  It was His rightfully before the Incarnation.  Lord signifies that He has dominion over the whole of the universe.  This includes angels (‘those in heaven”’ and Hebrews 1:13; 1 Peter 1:22: men (‘those on earth’) Romans 14:9; Revelation 1:5: and demons and the dead (‘those under-the earth’) – also Romans 14:9.

                      iii. All authorities and powers, including death {Revelation 1:18}.  Under the authority of the risen and exalted Lord, Ephesians 1:20-21; Colossians 2:10; l Peter 3:22.  Even though this Lordship is not universally recognised, it is presently celebrated within the body of believers.  Revelation 5:11,12; 19:16.  We worship and glorify Him as Lord and honour His headship, Colossians 1:18; Ephesians 1:22; 4:15-16; 5:23,23.  It is a paradox.

He has been exalted as Lord over all.  Yet there is opposition to His reign.  1 Corinthians 15:25 “He must continue to exercise His rule until he has put all enemies under his feet.  Between the time of His exaltation and His coming again, 1 Corinthians 15:25, He progressively puts His enemies under His feet; Psalm 8:6,7,8.  Only God Himself is not subject to Christ, 1 Corinthians l5:27.

                      iv. He is over the physical realm, the whole created order.  Hebrews 1:3; Colossians 1:17.  In the spiritual realm, He is completing the building of His Church, Matthew 16:18; Acts 2:47, by saving those who call on his name, Romans 10:13; 1 Corinthians 1:2.

                      v.  He is the Mediator, between God and man.  He is the exalted redeemer and high priest.  He intercedes for His people in the presence of God, Hebrews 7:25.; 9:24.  He mediates also in bringing down, divine gifts to men, Hebrews 2:18; 4:15 Ephesians 4:8c, 11,12; 1 Corinthians 14: as well as in answering the prayers of believers, Acts 1:24; 7:59-60; 2 Corinthians 12:8; John 15:7; I4:13.

From the book of Hebrews Christ is shown to be Priest.  Hebrews 1:3; 8:1; 10:12; 12:2.  Before He ascended up into heaven, he was a high priest after the order of Aaron.  After He ascended into heaven, He became a royal high priest after the order of Melchizedek.  The high priest under Aaron fulfilled his ministry when he had brought the victim’s blood inside the Holy place.

Jesus Christ fulfilled His high priestly role under Aaron’s order when He had entered the heavenly sanctuary with His own blood Hebrews 9:11, 12; 10:12. 

Now He is a priest like Melchizedek.  A minister in the real sanctuary, Hebrews 8:1.  He intercedes for His people, Hebrews 7:25; 9:24.  He offers up their praise, Hebrews 13:15; 1 Peter 2:5.

He guarantees their permanent and free access into the holy place, Hebrews 4:16; 10:19-22.  Hebrews 7:1-10.  The superiority of the Melchizedek Priesthood Over the Aaronic Priesthood.

verse 1. “Melchizedek met Abraham and showed respect to him”. New Life Testament, verse 2.  “He is first, by translation of His Name, king of Righteousness and then he is also king of Salem, that is king of peace”. RSV.   verse 3. “He is without father or mother, or genealogy”. RSV.

“No one knows where he came from.  No one knows when He was born or when He died”.

This could not be an appearance of Christ, as; i.  We know where Christ came from.  ii. This Melchizedeck was born and he died.  At that time of Abraham, 2,000 Before Christ, the birth of Christ or the death of Christ did not occur.

verse 3. “Melchizedek is like the Son of God.”  It does not say, He IS the Son of God.  Melchizedek was as real man, living at the time of Abraham, king and priest over Salem (Jerusalem).  At the time of the Patriarchs, Jerusalem was called Salem.


  The Resurrection was God’s vindication of the Messiah Israel had rejected.  Acts 2:36; 3:14,15; 4:10,11.

 The Resurrection was Christ’s entrance into His present exalted state of supreme power and universal dominion.  Acts 2:32,33,36.

 The Resurrection was the start of the new Age of the Spirit, Acts 2:17, 32,33.  Without the Resurrection the Christians’ faith is futile and useless.  1 Corinthians 15:14,17.  The early preaching was, “Jesus and the resurrection”, Acts 17:18; 4:2,33; Romans 10:9.  Paul set out the Christian faith in 1 Corinthians 15:3-5.  He said: –

         a. that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures.

         b. that He was buried.

         c. that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures.

         d. that He appeared to Cephas; then to the twelve.

Some Old Testament prophetical scriptures, are – Hosea 6:1,2 where the resurrection of the nation after its ‘burial’ in exile occurs on the third day;  Jonah 1:17 notes that Jonah was in the fish’s belly three days and nights before deliverance came, see Matthew 12:40; 2 Kings 20:5 where King Hezekiah is promised health on the third day; Leviticus 23:10,11,15 where the first fruits of the harvest (see I Corinthians 15:20,23) are offered to the Lord on ‘the morrow after the Sabbath’, i.e. on the SUNDAY of Passover week.


 Jesus Christ the Lord is Risen From the Dead.

         a. The gospel centres around the message, “Jesus Christ is the risen Lord”, Acts 2:22-28,32.

                      i. God witnessed to the man Jesus, as declared by Peter to the crowd.

                      ii. God raised Him from the dead.

         b. David had prophesied about 1,000 years previously concerning him.  He said of the Lord, in Psalm 16:9-11, “My body also rests secure. (N.I.V. My flesh also will dwell securely).  For you do not give me up to Sheol (the grave), or let your faithful one see the Pit”.  Jesus did not descend to Hell.  David prophesied that this Holy One would not see corruption, as quoted by Peter in Acts 2:27, “or let your Holy One see corruption”.  Let it be noted that his body was in the grave only three days which was a fulfilment of this prophecy.  His body even in that time did not begin to decompose.

  Further Gospel preaching.

         a. Stephen the first martyr for Christ, in Acts 7:37 mentioned that Moses, who had lived 1,400 years previously, prophesied that God would raise up a prophet.

                      i. He spoke of the continual opposition to God’s messengers by his people, the Jews.  He accused that nation of having murdered the “Righteous One” (Jesus).  He was full of the Holy Spirit and was enabled to look into heaven.

                      ii. He saw the glory of God and Jesus standing there.  He said, “I see the heavens opened and the Son of man standing at the right hand of God”.  They stoned him to death.  He prayed, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit”.

                      iii. The Lord Jesus was alive, risen from the dead and in heaven.  Moreover, Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, had a heart of love.  He prayed, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them”.  Then he died.  His spirit went to be with the Lord Jesus in heaven, to await the Day of Resurrection of the Body.

         b. Paul, the Apostle, preached a risen Lord Jesus Christ, because he saw and heard him.  Acts 9:4-6.  1 Corinthians 15:8 “Last of all, as to one untimely born, he appeared also to me”.  Christ “showed Himself” to him (New Life Testament).


  What We Can Learn from the Epistles.

         a. Paul himself was caught up into paradise and heaven.  2 Corinthians 12:2-4 In verse 3 he shows that he was not sure whether he was dead or alive.  “whether in the body, or apart from the body” he did not know.

         b. He said that to die would be profitable for him.  Philippians 1:21.  In verse 23, he states he would rather “leave this life and be with Christ.  That is much better”.  He was aware that HE (his-spirit and soul) would live with Christ.

         c. “To depart”, with a meaning of “strike my tent” is to be with Christ.  Philippians l:23.  He had a passionate desire to do this

         d. 2 Corinthians 5:8 – Paul prefers rather to be absent from the body and to be at home with the Lord.  2 Corinthians 12:4 – this place is obviously above the earth, in another realm and not in this universe.  That saints “live” after death is borne out by Hebrews 12:28c, “the spirits of just men made perfect”.

         e. After death, the believer is immediately ‘clothed with’ an immortal, heavenly body.  This is so that being clothed (not clothed upon) we shall not be found naked.  2 Corinthians 5:1. “For we know that if the earthly tent which is our house is torn down (i.e. our body), we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.”  This is a certain clothing of a heavenly body.  At that moment, immortality of the soul and spirit takes place.  ‘Praise the Lord’ .  It is a “body” of a heavenly nature and abode.

The works from our spirit follow us into eternity.

         a. Revelation 14:13, “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord henceforth,” “Blessed indeed,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labours, for their deeds follow them!”  There seems to be a spiritual form of the spirit which conforms to what we do in Christ in this life.  Having “put on the righteousness of Christ” and having these deeds follow them, they are given a white robe and told to rest in heaven a little longer until the rest of the redeemed come in.  Revelation 6:11; 7:9,13.  Those who have been granted visions in prayer of this state, have been unable to express the beauty and glory of these departed saints in glory.

This state of the departed saints is merely a shadow of what shall be when we are clothed with the body of immortality.

 In 2 Corinthians 5:2-3.

         a. Some think that Paul thought the second coming of the Lord was near and expressed a longing.  He said, “For in such a state of things, we groan moreover, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon (not just clothed) with our house which is from heaven” – the immortal, heavenly body.  Then he says, verse 3, “that being clothed” not clothed upon we shall not be found naked;” All those who have departed this life are clothed with a heavenly body.

         b. However, in view of Matthew 27:53,54 below, I think this.

         c. Something marvellous takes place on the death of the believer, according to 2 Corinthians 5:1-10.  Verse 1, “we have”, present tense, would indicate that between the destruction of the earthly house (our present bodies) and the provision of the spiritual house there would be no interval of “homelessness”.  “When (ever) our earthly tent-dwelling is taken down, we (immediately) become possessors of a building from God”.

         d. In verses 2, 4 Paul uses ep-en-duein = “put on forever”, it would appear there is an immediate succession of a further “dwelling” place at death.  There was no “putting off in 1 Cor.15:53,4 Paul uses en-duein, “put on”, with reference to both the dead and the living.

         e. In verse 8a there appears to be an immediate taking on of a new form of residence in a new location, “the presence of the Lord”.  In Philippians 3:21 Christ possesses a “glorious body” and if in 2 Corinthians 5:8 there is to be a personal communion with the Lord after death, how could this be with a spirit without function?

         f. The Spirit works in us now, Romans 12:2, 2 Corinthians 3:18; 4:16.  According to 2 Corinthians 5:15 we have now “the earnest of the Spirit”.  Is this to stop at death?  The “flesh”, seat of sin, is destroyed at death and there should be a greater manifestation of the Spirit after death.

         g.  The “house not made by human hands” in 2 Corinthians 5:1, is a phase in preparation of the eternal resurrected and changed body of the deceased, just as the physical body is a temporary phase of the eternal body of the living, until the Second Coming.  It is obvious there is a transformation of some kind at death.  At the moment of death of the believer, there is some kind of glorified body (spiritual) for him, in such a way that the departed Christian is not aware of any interval of time between death and investiture.  It is said to be “eternal in the heavens”.  It would appear that house remains.  The immortal body must g over it.  In the case of those who do not die but are changed at the coming of the Lord, they would have to be given the same kind of covering as well as their changed immortal bodies.  How wonderful is death for the believer.  God says so in Psalm 116:15, “Precious in the sight of the Lord, is the death of His saints (faithful ones)

         h. “We have been resurrected with Christ,” Romans 6:5,6; Galatians 2:19; Colossians 2:20; Ephesians 2:6; Colossians 2:12;3:1; Colossians 3:4.

         i. We have been spiritually transformed, sharing Christ’s resurrection triumph, having been made alive to God and raised up to newness of life exactly at the time we “were dead”, Ephesians 2:5a.  In 2 Cor.13:4 Paul says he would “live with Christ by the power of God”.  So it is with us.  In 2 Cor.3:18 we are being transformed.  We have this resurrection power within us now.  It is not possible that such resurrection power ceases within us at death.

         j. ‘We “have eternal life” now.  Eternal life can never cease.  John 20:31; 3:36; 5:24; 1 John 5:13.  This is why Jesus could say to Martha in John 11:23-27, “I am the resurrection and the life.  Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die”.   “And no one who is living and has faith in me will ever see death”.   That is why Jesus could speak to Lazarus, lying in the grave, because he himself was “living in death”. 

At the same moment, at the twinkling of an eye, as those still living, all shall be changed, 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17; 1 Corinthians 15:48.  All will be clothed upon with an immortal, heavenly body which will be similar to that of Jesus.  1 John 3:2.  Christ will bring back into the “air” the departed spirits clothed with heavenly bodies and they will be clothed upon with their immortal bodies, which will be created out of the atoms that lie in each one’s grave.  Our immortal bodies will be created out of the dust of our old bodies; or these bodies will be changed – depending on whether we are dead or still alive when the Lord comes.  Because there is the resurrection of the dead.  The body must experience redemption as well as the soul and spirit.  Romans 8:23.  Also, John 5:28,29: The unbelievers will be resurrected to face the judgment of a “terrible, righteous” God.  See Daniel 12:2 also.

 For the living, this body of humiliation will be glorified, Philippians 3:21; this mortal body will put on immortality.  This body sown in corruption will be raised incorruptible and immortal, 1 Corinthians 15:42,53,54.  See Job 19:25, 26 – Job is the oldest book in the bible.  It was written well before 1400 B.C.  Yet Job had the revelation that “I know that although worms destroy my body, in my flesh shall I see God”.  We can not imagine what it will be like.  Neither can we imagine what heaven will be like.  We walk by faith and the certain knowledge that one day we will experience this.  Daniel 12:3 – ’The teachers will radiate brightness as the heaven and those who turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever”.

Having a Body Like Jesus’ Body at the Second Coming, 1 Corinthians 15:50-54, will mean: Luke 24:41-43 – it was superior to the material: John 20:19: Luke 24: 39- Jesus said of Himself; “a spirit does not have flesh and bones” (He did not say flesh and blood).

6.  Hebrews 12:22,23 speaks of the Church in heaven and on earth.  It is The true Israel of God.  “The” means there is one only -the Church (Old Testament and New Testament Saints, Galatians 6:16).  “But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem and to myriads of angels, to the general assembly and church of the first-born who are enrolled in heaven and to God, the Judge of all and to the spirits of righteous men made perfect”.  The “dead” saints are alive, in heaven with the Lord.

In Matthew 27:50-54, “many holy people who had died were raised to life”, or “and many bodies arose out of them, bodies of holy men gone to their rest”, or “bodies of the buried saints arose”- “and coming forth out of the tombs… plainly appeared” (“where many saw them”).  What happened to these people?  They evidently did not exist in Jerusalem until they died again.  They must have been taken to heaven.


  Our “spiritual” resurrection now.

         a. We have been raised ‘with Christ’ Colossians 3:1, or ‘with Him’, Ephesians 2:6; Colossians 2:12.

         b. We experience, before physical death, a resurrection life of victory over all power of evil.  Ephesians 2:1-16.  Colossians 3:1,5-8, Romans 6:5.

    c. The Spirit gives life to the body now.  Romans 8:11, “If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you”.  This brings victory over sin that also work from our bodies.  The body is the home of the soul.  Both work together to produce sin.  1 Peter 2:11, “Abstain from the desires of the flesh that wage war against the soul”. 

         d. Just as Christ rose once for all, so believers rise to new spiritual life once for all.  This was a spiritual fact on their believing on Christ.   Colossians 2:12; 3:1.  Galatians 2:20, 12.

 The resurrection of Christ compared with the resurrection of the bodies of believers.

         a. God raised Christ through His mighty power.  He gives life to the dead, Romans 4:17

                      i. “He (God) makes the dead live again.  He speaks and something is made out of nothing”.  Also, 2 Corinthians 1:9. “God raised the Lord from death.  He will raise us from death by His power also”, 1 Corinthians 6:14.

2 Corinthians 4:14 “We know that God raise the Lord Jesus from the dead.  He will raise us up also.  He will raise us up also.  God will take us to Himself and He will take you”.  NOTE: God will not take us into Himself.

                      ii. Therefore: He is the One Who is All-Powerful.  He is the Ultimate (the final, elemental, fundamental, essential, highest or greatest One.  He has a plan for us and our bodies that goes beyond this present and conscious world of reality.  We are not bound to the universe.  God deals with us as human beings {self) who are totally free of the universe.  It has no dominion over us at all.  We are destined for higher and better things, because “according to His promise, we are looking for new heavens and a new earth”; John in vision, “saw a new heaven and a new earth.  The first heaven and the first earth had passed away.  There was no more sea”’: Revelation 21:1.  Six hundred years before Christ came, the prophet Isaiah had prophesied, Isaiah 66:22:  “I will make new heavens and the new earth.  And they will last forever,” says the Lord.

God’s plan of Salvation includes the redemption of creation.

 The same God who raised Christ from the dead, will give to the bodies of believers, resurrection life. Some of the benefits of resurrection are the same in the case of Christ and His people, as follows: –

         a. The body is important.  God has a plan for the redemption of the body as well as for the soul/spirit.  Resurrection means for us, as for Christ, transformation (change or alteration). The body of Jesus was different, Luke 24:31; Acts 1:3:  “After He had suffered much and then died, He showed Himself alive in many sure ways for forty days”.  For believers, 1 Corinthians 15:42,43 “…The body will turn back into dust when it is put into a grave.  When the body is raised from the grave, it will never die…it is raised with shining greatness… It is weak when it is put into a grave but it is raised with power.”  I love verse 44, “It is a human body when it dies but it is a God-like body when it is raised from the dead”.

         b. Christ’s ascension to heaven, Acts 1:9-11.  Compared to that of believers, 1 Thessalonians 4:17.  I like the translation of Wuest, a Jewish scholar: 14-18 “For in view of the fact that we believe that Jesus died and arose, thus also will God bring with Him those who have ‘fallen asleep’ (died) through the intermediate agency of Jesus.

“For this we are saying to you by the Lords word, that as for us who are living and are left behind until the coming of the Lord, we shall by no means precede those who fell asleep, because the Lord Himself with a cry of command with an archangel’s voice and with a call of a trumpet sounded at God’s command, shall descend from Heaven and the dead in Christ shall be raised first, then as for us who are living and who are left behind, together with them we shall be snatched away forcibly in (masses of saints having the appearance of) clouds for a welcome-meeting with the Lord in the lower atmosphere.  And thus always shall we be with the Lord.”

         c. The exaltation of Christ, Acts 2:32,33 and of believers, 2 Timothy 2:12:  “If we endure, we shall also reign with him;” Note: He is God.  We are not and never will be “gods”.

         d.  This new life of the body will never be terminated by death.  Of Christ, Romans 6:9 “knowing that Christ… is never to die again;” – therefore to partake of Mass when the body of Christ is supposedly “created” by the minister as a Sacrifice, is error. 

Of believers, 1 Corinthians 15:42, 52-54 state that “…The dead will be raised never to die again… 0ur human bodies made from dust must be changed into a body that cannot be destroyed.  Our human bodies that can die must be changed into bodies that will never die… When this that does die has been changed into that which cannot die… then it will happen (Isaiah 25:8), ‘O death, where is your power?  0 death, where are your pains?”  Revelation 21:4 “God will take away all their tears.  There will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain.  All the old things have passed away”.

         e.          This new life is in a spiritual or glorified body, 1 Corinthians 15:48,49; Philippians 3:20,21.  Its natural habitat is heaven, Ephesians 1:20,21 – Christ.  2 Corinthians 5:1 – believers.

         f. There are differences between the two types of resurrection.  Christ was raised on the ‘third day’, 1 Corinthians 15:4.  His people experience resurrection at the return of the Lord.  With Christ – resurrection on the third day kept it from decaying in the grave, Acts 2:27,31; 13:34-37.  The bodies of believers who die before the second coming will corrupt.  The judgment of God is still on the body.  It is not yet redeemed.  With Christ, He REGAINED immortality which he gave up by becoming “obedient to death”, Revelation 1:18.  Believers receive immortality at the resurrection.

Only of Christ can it be said that He became a life-giving Spirit.  1 Corinthians 15:45 or that,

He was vindicated as the suffering Son of Man, Mark 8:31; Luke 24:26, 46.

He conquered Death, Acts 2:24-28; Romans 1:4; universal Lord, Acts 2:32-36; Romans 14:9; Ephesians 1:20,21; Philippians 2:9-11.

He was made Judge of the living and dead, Acts 10:40-42; 17:31.


 The Holy Spirit is the Pledge, the Promise.  2 Corinthians 1:22; Ephesians 1:14.  “The Holy Spirit was given to us as a promise that we will receive everything God has for us…” It means, a deposit that requires further payments.  Or it means a guarantee.  This has to be the baptism in the Holy Spirit.  This does not mean that believers without the Baptism do not receive resurrection bodies.  It means that God has done this and is doing this in general as a general feature of His provision of salvation.

Ephesians 1:13 – “The truth is the Good News.  When you heard the truth, you put your trust in Christ.  Then “God marked you by giving His Holy Spirit as a promise.”

         a. He “marked” us or “sealed” us, as a seal is engraved in wax.  This seal can be seen.  It is obviously visible.

         b. The order of events is clear.

                      i. “You heard the truth”.

                      ii. “you put your trust in Christ”.  Finally,

                      iii. “Then God marked you by giving you His Holy Spirit as a promise.”

  It is very apparent that the Holy Spirit, as a Promise, was not given when they trusted in Christ.

This promise is “the promise of the Father”, Acts 1:4, “Wait there for the promise of the Father, ‘This’, he said, ‘is what you have heard from me, for John baptised with water, but you will be baptize with the Holy Spirit not many days from now”.  Acts 2:4 relates what this promise was and what happens in the giving of that promise.  This “promise of the Father” has never been rescinded.  The experience continued for at least forty years after the death of the apostles, according to history.  It only ceased due to the unbelief, worldliness, ungodliness and back-slidden condition that prevailed for many centuries.   It re-commenced in the late 19th century.

2 Corinthians 5:5 “Now, God himself has prepared us for this very purpose and has given us the pledge of the Spirit.  The promise of the Holy Spirit, exactly as happened on the Day of Pentecost, is the guarantee, promise or pledge that we will receive resurrection bodies.

God’s Gift of the Holy Spirit is the fulfilment of promise, Galatians 3:14; Ephesians 1:13.  Gods Gift of the Holy Spirit is the promise of fulfilment, 2 Corinthians 5:5; Ephesians 3:13.

On receiving the “Guarantee” we obtain: –

         a. the knowledge that we wil1 ‘redeem’ or receive the promise.  Ephesians 1:13,14.

         b. the hope that one day we will receive the full benefits of what is guaranteed.  Romans 5:5; 8:24,25; 2 Corinthians 4:17,18.

         c. an inheritance, Romans 8:17,23;  2 Corinthians 5:1;  Ephesians 1:14

 Through the Spirit, God will bring about the change in the resurrection.  Romans 8:10,11, clearly states that the resurrection of believers will be through the Holy Spirit.            

         a. The Spirit Sustains Resurrection Life.

                      i. The Spirit imparts life, 2 Corinthians 3:6; He is described as ‘life’ Romans 8:10 He is the Spirit ‘of life’, Romans 8:2. 

The Holy Spirit imparts the physical and spiritual life of which He is the source.

                      ii. Spiritually, “resurrection with Christ” means to share His risen life.  This life is given by the Spirit, Romans 7:6:  “Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh, Galatians 5:24.  Notice it is past tense.  We already have crucified the flesh.  By faith we walk in it.

In Titus 3:5, two things are the means of salvation:  “the washing that brings about regeneration, the water of rebirth; the renewal effected by the Spirit”. Regeneration or the new birth, is single and instantaneous, John 3:5.

The renewal is progressive and continuous, Romans 12:2, Ephesians 4:23; Ephesians 3:16; 2 Corinthians 4:16

         b. In the present Age and notice that we also live in the Age to Come with its powers.  Hebrews 6:5 “and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come, 1 John 5:13 “that you have eternal life”.

1 Corinthians 7:31 “those who are purchasing in the market place as though they did not possess anything and those who are making use of this world; as not making excessive use of the same, for the temporary fashion of this world is passing away”.

         c.  Believers are being progressively transformed into the image of Christ as they gaze on and then reflect the glory of the Lord.  This whole thing is the work of the Spirit.  2 Corinthians 3:18; Ephesians 3:16.

Then in the resurrection God brings about a change.  This is through the Holy Spirit, Romans 8:11.  “being made like Christ” is completed, Romans 8:29; Galatians 4:19; Philippians 1:6; 3:21.

         d. The heavenly body will be full of the Spirit’s sustaining 1ife 2 Corinthians 5:4b.

“The one who prepares us for resurrection transformation by renewing us daily through his Spirit is none other than God himself, who has pledged himself to effect this final transformation by giving us the Spirit, his agent of resurrection”.

See Romans 8:14-16; 8:29; 1 Corinthians 15:23,49, informs us Christ was raised first, as the “first fruits”. We after that will be raised at His coming.

Our hope is the coming of the Lord.  It is not “What will happened at the End Time?”

Philippians 3:20 “For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we await a Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ”.

Maranatha!  For Him we look!  Hebrews 9:28, He will appear to those who eagerly await Him.

         e. The changed body is a spiritual body, 1 Corinthians 15:44,46.  Because it is continually renewed by the Holy Spirit, this spiritual body is imperishable, verses 41, 50, 52-54.  There we will not experience physical decay.  This new body is a glorious body, verse 43a, Philippians 3:21.  It is powerful, verse 43b.  There will be no more sin in us.

         f. This new body is heavenly, 1 Corinthians 15:40,47-49.  It will be similar to that of angels and it will have no physical instincts.  Mark 12:25; Matthew 22:30 ” neither marry, nor are given in marriage but are as angels in heaven”.  It is not that we will be sexless.  Men are men and women are women.  There will be no sexual urges or powers.  The stomach and the food it receives will be destroyed, Romans 14:17.

         g. We will each be an individual, as here each is an individual.  I Corinthians 6:I4; “God will raise up US”. The “me”!

The Holy Spirit works in the believer before the general resurrection.  He continues to work in the believer after the Resurrection.

         h. Regarding believers: –

                      i. Although believers will share Christ’s rule and in a sense at present enter into the power and glory of it somewhat, they are not said to sit at God’s right hand or share-God’s throne.  Believers or anyone else are not gods.  See Matthew 19:28; 2 Timothy 2:12; Ephesians 2:6.  We are enthroned with Jesus in the heavens but not at His right hand!  To Christ alone is applied the phrase “at His right hand”.  Ephesians 1:20.

                       ii. Angels stand or fall down in worship in God’s Presence.

                      iii. In the vision, John fell at His feet as dead.  Revelation 1:17.

                      iv. In heaven, the “four and twenty elders” (a type of all the redeemed) fell down before the Lamb, singing, “You are worthy …You were slain and by your blood… You redeemed men to God”. Revelation 5:9.  That these are the saints is proved by verse 10, “and has made them a kingdom and priests to our God and they shall reign on earth”.

In God’s Presence, the exalted Son sits, enthroned on High.


 The great hope of the Church is – “The Lord is coming”, “Maranatha”.  The first epistle of Corinthians, chapter 16, verse 22, as part of the close, uses “Maranatha”.  After writing such a wonderful chapter as chapter 15, the heart of Paul must have been full of the coming of the Lord.

          a. Jesus Himself told of His return.  Matthew 24:30; 25:19,31; 26:64; John 14:3.

          b. At the time of His ascension, angels said He would come back again, Acts 1:11.

         c.  The disciples mention it in Acts 3:20,21 – “whom heaven must receive until the time for establishing all that God spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets from of old”, Philippians 3:20; 1 Thessalonians 4:15,16; 2 Thessalonians 1:7,10; Titus 2:13; Hebrews 9:28; 1 Corinthians 15:51,52.

          d. Terms used, mean “unveiling”, “appearance, manifestation” or “presence”. Further’ scriptures are: 1 Corinthians 1:7; 2 Thess.l:7; 1 Peter 1:7,13; 4:13: 2 Thess.2:8; 1 Timothy 6:14; 2 Timothy 4:8; Titus 2:13; Matthew 24:3,27,37; 1 Corinthians 15:23; 1 Thessalonians  2:19; 3:13; 4:15; 5:23; 2 2:1-9; James 5:7,8; 2 Peter 1:16; 3:4,12; 1 John 2:28.

        e.  Many prophecies are given about the “End Time”.  It is not our purpose here to discuss them.

        a.  In 2 Corinthians 5:2, Paul, as some would say, thinking that the second coming of the Lord was near, expressed a longing.  He said, “For in such a state of things, we groan moreover, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon (not just clothed) with our house which is from heaven” – the immortal, heavenly body.  Then he says, verse 3, “that being clothed” not clothed upon we shall not be found naked;” All those who have departed this life are clothed with a heavenly body.

According to 1 Thessalonians 4:11-17, “through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have died””.  Therefore, the dead are “living” with Christ in heaven, otherwise how could not “bring them with Him”.  Also, “we who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will by no means precede those who have died”.  According to 1 Corinthians 15:50-54, at the coming of the Lord, the “dead will be raised imperishable and we will be changed”. There is to be a resurrection body, that is “flesh and bones”, Luke 24:39.

         b. At the same moment, at the twinkling of an eye, as those still living, all shall be changed.  1 Thessalonians 4:15-17; 1 Corinthians 15:48.  All will be clothed upon with an immortal, heavenly body which will be similar to that of Jesus.  1 John 3:2.  Christ will bring back into the “air” the departed spirits clothed with heavenly bodies and they will be clothed upon with their immortal, heavenly bodies, which will be created out of the atoms that lie in each one’s grave.  Our immortal bodies will be created out of the dust of our old bodies; or these bodies will be changed – depending on whether we are dead or still alive when the Lord comes.  Because there is the resurrection of the dead.  The body must experience redemption as well as the soul and spirit.  Romans 8:23.  Also, John 5:28,29: The unbelievers will be resurrected to face the judgment of a “terrible, righteous” God.  See Daniel 12:2 also.

        c. For the living, this body of humiliation will be glorified, Philippians 3:21; this mortal body will be made alive, Romans 8:11; this body sown in corruption will be raised incorruptible and immortal, 1 Corinthians 15:42,42,53,54.  See Job 19:25, 26 – Job is the oldest book in the bible.  It was written well before 1400 B.C.  Yet Job had the revelation that “I know that although worms destroy my body, in my flesh I shall see God”.  We can not imagine what it will be like.  Neither can we imagine what heaven will be like.  We walk by faith and the certain knowledge that one day we will experience this.  Daniel 12:3 – “The teachers will radiate brightness as the heaven and those who turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever”.

        d. Having a body like Jesus’ body will mean: Luke 24:41-43 – it was superior to the material: John 20:19: Luke 24: 39- Jesus said of Himself: “a spirit does not have flesh and bones” (He did not say flesh and blood.

 Hebrews 12:22, 23 speaks of the Church in heaven and on earth.  It is The true Israel of God.  “The” means there is one only – the Church (Old Testament and New Testament saints, Galatians 6:16).  “But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem and to myriads of angels, to the general assembly and church of the first-born who are enrolled in heaven and to God, the Judge of all and to the spirits of righteous men made perfect”.  The “dead” saint are alive, in heaven with the Lord.

       e.  For the unsaved, His coming is to be in judgment, Revelation 1:7; Zechariah 12:10; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12; Psalm 9:8; Daniel 12:2; 2 Peter 3: 33-7,10-12.  See 2 Thessalonians 1:5-10, “when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels in flaming fire, inflicting vengeance upon those who do not know God and upon those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus.  They shall suffer the punishment of eternal destruction and exclusion from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of its might, when he comes on that day to be glorified in his saints and to be marvelled at in all who have believed”.


 Man consists of spirit, soul and body.  He will in eternity consist of spirit, soul and body albeit a resurrected body.

The soul and spirit cannot corrupt as does the body.  Both are isolated from the body.  Sometimes the word “spirit” is used; sometimes “soul”.  However, there is a difference.  Scripture says that the soul dies.  Genesis 37:21.  “Let us not take his life”.  See Numbers 23:10, Judges 16:30; Job 36:14. “Let me die”.  “Samson said, Let me die”. “They die in youth and their life perishes among the cult prostitutes”.  He meant that their soul and spirit left their body.

Even though the soul dies it subsists on (manages to live). The body although it dies, also continues to exist.  It decomposes in its fundamental elements.  The atoms remain, gaseous and putrid.  The soul does not corrupt as does the body.  The worldly part of the soul dies.  Its life consists of acting from another source, not from the body.  The remainder of the soul is absorbed by the spirit.  Both soul and spirit leave the man when he dies and go into the unseen world.

It is absorbed into the spirit.  Both soul and spirit experience sudden loss of position.  They are deprived of the body.  The soul’s life from the spirit, endures.  Its life in the body, perishes in death.    

God has given all men an eternal perspective.  It goes far beyond the confines of this present life.  Nevertheless, He has not revealed all of life’s mysteries to man.  Ecclesiastes 3:11.

Regarding spirit and soul, each is distinguished, as in Hebrews 4:12 The soul is the natural powers; as soul is enlightened by the light of Holy Spirit in a natural way.  Also the spirit.  Man was to reflect God, whose light was the life of man.  John 1:9, “the Son, the true light” who lights mankind with reason and understanding.  He is now the author of spiritual light to all who obtain mercy.  Hebrews 1:2 “by Whom also He made the worlds”.  Colossians 1:15, “Now (Christ) is the visible expression of the invisible God.  He was before creation began for it was through Him that everything was made.”  The light that Adam had gave him life and he reflected God and in that way was a partaker of the divine nature.  His essential likeness to God and perfection from within dictated to him what God wished.  God was shining forth in his spirit.

Hebrews 4:12 “The Word of God (Christ) … Penetrating as far as a dividing asunder of soul and spirit/it strikes through to the place where soul and spirit meet/it pierces even to the severance of soul from spirit/it penetrates deeply making a distinction between soul and spirit.  Soul is a copy of the spirit who is the image of the triune God.  Mention of the two together is found in 1 Thessalonians 5:23 “may your spirit, soul and body be kept sound”.  The spirit superior to soul, who is its manifestation.  “The spirit in man, although, in order to be able to be have interaction with the material world and its people, appears as soul.  It is united to the brain, operates through this organ and acts as soul, yet the spirit still is above the soul.” 

The body is the seat of the senses.  The soul the seat of the emotions.  The spirit knows God and exists never to be destroyed.  The spirit and soul are not distinct natures.  However, spirit and soul are elements of the internal structure of man and are separable.  1 Corinthians 15:45 “The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam became a life-giving spirit”.  Life of a creature, even brutes, is life effected in matter by God.  Psalm 104:30 “When you send forth your Spirit they are created; and you renew the face of the ground.”

The soul appeared in Adam as a result of the endowment with spirit when created.  Scripture gives the two distinct functions of spirit and soul.

Genesis 2:7 The body was created first.  The soul did not form it.  God breathed into man an active soul and breathed into him a spirit of life.  He was given a limited and mortal nature because of his body of earth.  Man was made of earth, the most elementary form in creation.  It was mostly water.  When the body was created (Adam) it was not yet an organism living of itself.  He breathed into him and he became a living soul.  He was given spirit and soul.  Both are inseparably united.  The soul did not belong to the body.  James 2:26. “The body without the spirit is dead”.  The spirit is that which personifies a man.  The soul is the Ego, the medium and link of the human personality.  Mary; in Luke 1:46, 47 said: “My soul exalts the Lord, And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Saviour”.  Here also is a distinction between soul and spirit.

When the Lord, -Elohim breathed into the man He had made, that was the end of the creation of man.  There was a creative act of in-breathing.  He breathed forth from Himself.  God the Creator endowed the human body with the relative spirit to belong to man’s own nature.  God the Creator created out of Himself that which man was to have of spirit in common with Himself.  This is as far from being God as a breath of man is from being man.  The human spirit is a nature that came into being in time, conditioned by a temporal beginning and free.  This was by an immediate and personal operation of God.

God is spirit, John 4:24 and for Him to communicate or commune with man, man also must have “a” spirit.  That part of him is the “image” of God.  It is not God is made man or there is a “god” inside of man.  Also man is not a spirit being. 

Similarly, in the creation of spiritual life for the born-again, the Redeemer in John 20:22 gave to the disciples a communication of the absolute Spirit of His divine-human person delivered from the restraints of the flesh.  When He left heaven, as God becoming man, His Divine glory was veiled.  Now, as in the creation of man, God breathed into him, so in the new creation, Christ breathed on His first disciples.

God breathed the power of life into Adam, of which spirit and soul are two distinct parts of that one principle of life.  Spirit is superior to soul.  Soul is its manifestation, peculiar to him who has spirit that is breathed into him immediately from the personal God.  Spirit is the inbreathing of the Godhead and the soul is the out breathing of the spirit.  The spirit is of life and endows the body with soul.  Spirit is the life-centre provided for the body and the soul is the raying forth of this centre of life.  The spirit is the inward being of the soul and soul is the external nature of the spirit.  Genesis 49:6; Psalm 7:6; 16:9; 30:13; 57:9; 108:2.  The spirit is the image of the triune Godhead but the soul is the copy of this image and is related to the spirit as the Spirit of God is to God the Spirit.

It is essential that in the existence of the spirit it is conscious of itself.  It begins with a condition of unconsciousness, in the womb.  The actual knowledge of itself, begins, not until after birth, Ecclesiastes 6:3-5.  At conception in the womb, bodily life begins as an embryo and at the same time, there is the beginning of the spirit’s and soul’s life.  The “person” is in the womb.  This is why abortion is sinful.  The human spirit is a self-conscious spirit before man becomes conscious of himself.  The spiritual functions of the soul are the beaming forth of the spirit. 

Luke 1:25 where Jesus was full of the Holy Ghost in his mother’s womb, shows that the fruit of the body has not only soul but also spirit; it is the human spirit which is the organ for the reception of the divine.  See Isaiah 49:1,5; Jeremiah 1:5; Galatians 1:15; Psalm 22:10; 71:6; Genesis 25:22; Hosea 12:4; Luke 1:41. 

Proverbs 20:27  “The spirit of man is the lamp of the Lord, searching all the inward parts of the heart (his deepest self” – or “Man’s conscience is the lamp of the Eternal, flashing into his inmost soul” (Mof);  “A man’s conscience is the Lord’s searchlight exposing his hidden motives” (Tay).

See also Romans 1:18,20;2:8,14,17;3:19.

Even the heathen have a conscience, a lamp of God within and a knowledge of right and wrong.  The lamp of God is the light placed within a man by God, being his self-consciousness that has a conscience.  John 1:9 bears this out, reading also “He was the true light that enlightens everyone coming into the world”.  This Light did not come into the world in the birth of Christ as a stranger.  He had prepared His coming to earth by deep relations with humanity.  Over the centuries, He had enlightened every man, including the heathen as well as the Jew.  He lit him by intuitions of the good, the beautiful and the true, deep within a man’s (or woman’s) being.

The candle, conscience, which God has kindled in man has as the nearest sphere of light, the condition of the man himself.  The spirit understands all that belongs to the nature of man.  This is in the unity of self-consciousness.  It penetrates, searching it through.  It tries to take this nature up into its knowledge.  This is a problem because of sin.  The conscience tries to rule man by its power.  The spirit penetrates that within, even into its many secret corners.  It is self-testing and is a self-knowing light, Matthew 6:22, speaks of “the inner eye”.  Man knows himself according to his moral as well as his natural condition in the light of his spirit, 1 Corinthians 2:11. 

The body without the spirit is dead, as says James 2:26.  The natural mind and soul is between the spirit and the body.  This is the life of the soul that comes from the spirit itself.  Matthew 10:28 “can kill the body but not able to kill the soul”.  The soul is of one nature with the spirit.  It belongs not to the side of man‘s nature but to the side of spirit.  It is a substance proceeding from spirit.  Thus in death, the body dies but not the soul.  The soul’s earthly part is lost and the soul itself is absorbed by the man’s spirit that can never die.  It lives forever either in heaven or in hell.

When God manifests Himself He appeals to the spirit of man.  The soul is a participant.  The decision is made in the spirit.  Psalm 51:10 man’s spirit is renewed.  Titus 3:5 the giving of new life in the Holy Spirit (renewing).  Romans 12:2 be renewed in the spirit of your mind.  The soul is the external or outward nature of the spirit.  The spirit is the inbreathing of the Godhead and the soul is the out breathing of the spirit.  The soul is the shining forth of this centre of life, spirit.  It is provided for the body.  The soul communicates with others.  Genesis 49:6, “O my soul, stay away from them.  May I never be a party to their wicked plans.  For in their anger they murdered a man”, re Jacob by Simeon and Levi.  Psalm 16:9 “My heart is glad my spirit exults; my flesh too abides securely.”

Spirit/soul/body.  Psalm 30:12, That my spirit may sing to Thee and not be silent.  Luke 1:46,7 My soul exalts/ spirit.  The spirit is the image of Triune Godhead; the soul is the copy of this image and is related to the spirit.  The body is the house, 2 Corinthians 5:1; Ecclesiastes 12:3-7.

The spirit receives the Divine.  Luke 1:25, John was in the womb full of the Holy Ghost.  Isaiah 9:1,5, “When I (of Christ) was still in my mother’s body he had my name in mind/formed me from the womb to be His servant (No sin tendency, Mark 1:11).  Jeremiah 1:5 “before ever you came to the birth, I set you apart for myself”.  Galatians 1:15 “who separated me from my mother’s womb, even before my birth”.  The spirit existed in the womb but was unconscious of knowledge, especially re self, Ecclesiastes 6:5 “though it came in vain and goes into darkness and its name is in darkness; though it not seen or known sun yet a dead child is at rest rather than such a man.”  The flesh (or matter) of the body has no power over the spirit.  Rather, it is the reverse.  The spirit has power over the body.

The soul is link between the spirit and flesh (matter).  Body, soul and spirit make a man.  He is not a “spirit being”.  He is a man.  Yet flesh is not itself spirit, Genesis 6:3, “The life-giving spirit shall not remain in man for ever; he for his part is mortal flesh.  This was after the Fall).  There is to be a final glorification of the material world including the body.  See Romans 8:23, “While we wait for that redemption of our bodies which will mean that at last we have realised our full sonship in him.  21 because the universe itself/the whole of created life will be rescued from its bondage to decay (tyranny of change and decay)”.

The spirit died in the Fall.  Light perished, man died with death but retained his essence, as a living one, Hebrews 2:14, dead re the perfection of his position.  He became a dead life, as in Ephesians 2:1,2.

The spirit originally ruled the soul.  The spirit died, Genesis 2 and 3.  This is seen in Adam.  God had said, “The day you eat, you will die”.  Yet, Adam lived on earth.  At that time, his spirit died in relation to God.  Now the soul rules the spirit and the evil of the senses dominate.  The soul experiences trouble, sorrow and sin.  Finally the main part of the soul dies, with the body.  The rest lives on, caught up into the spirit.  Genesis 35:18 “as her soul was in departing for she was dying”. Leviticus 4:2 “If a soul shall sin, it shall die”. Deuteronomy 12:15,20 “the soul lusts after”.  Job 27:8 “when God takes away his soul”. Psalm 33:19 “to deliver their soul from death”.  That part of the soul that is of the spirit, does not die.  Matthew 10:28, The soul dies in so far as it has become of the body.  Its life that comes from the spirit endures.  The spirit that has left the body cannot know God or reach out to Him.  It is spiritually dead.  It has eternal death and condemnation.  In life in this world, when the soul dominates, the world-spirit gets in and through this, the spirit of darkness.  1 John 2:16, “For all that the world can offer, the things our physical nature and our eyes crave for and the proud display of life/all that panders to the appetites, or entices the eyes, all the glamour of its life is not of the Father but is of the world”.  John 3:19, “people have loved the darkness more than the light for their works were evil”.  Luke 22:53, “the dark Power has its way/hour when darkness reigns/the cover of darkness”.

Luke 16:23, the rich man and Lazarus.  Psalm 30:3, “You have brought up my soul from the grave (Sheol) that I should not go down to the Pit (Hell)”.  “Grave” is “Sheol” and means “state it is in” of an Old Testament believer, in paradise; unbeliever, in torment, Luke 16:23-26.

The spirit fell under the bondage of the flesh.  Its God-image substance continued still.  Its God-resembling life was quenched.  This became Adam’s experience after the fall.  Instead of being directed on all sides by the spirit that lived and moved in the God who was its source, Adam’s spirit became dead.  It became a gross materialistic nature

 How death came is explained in relation to spirit, soul and body, in Genesis 2 and 3: –

         a.  In Genesis 2:16,17, God told Adam what would happen if he disobeyed God and ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

         b.  Eve who had not heard with her ears what God told Adam was deceived 1 Timothy 2:l5.  Adam was wilful.

         c.  Adam was the representative of the whole of the human race.  Romans.  5:12-19.

One sin of Adam brought the punishment of death to all people.

         d.  As soon as Adam fell, at that moment he began to die with death.

                      i. His spirit died instantly He fell “out of Christ”.  2 Peter 1:19c. ‘and the morning star arises in your heart’.  Isaiah 14:12 “How you have fallen from heaven, 0 star of the morning, son of the dawn!  You have been cut down to the earth”.  1 Corinthians 15:47 “The first man (Adam) is from the earth, earthy; the second man (Christ) is from heaven”. 49 “And just as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly”. We shall be like Christ with a body that is heavenly and God-like; with a spirit and soul that is heavenly and not earthly, full of eternal life as the sons of Gad.  Because we are in Christ and Christ is in us.  1 John 5:12; 3:2.  So each person born into the world is born in spiritual death.  Ephesians 2:1.

                      ii. Adam (as well as all of us) had spirit, soul and body.  See 1 Thessalonians 5:23.  Adam’s soul became mortal.  It became deficient in the image of God.  The soul at the moment of death leaves the body along with the spirit.  In the state of death of the person, whether the godly or the wicked, there continues a relationship of soul and spirit.

                      iii. His body began to die.  It began to die with death, or to sicken to death.  1 Corinthians 15:31. “i.e. daily”.

The judgement of physical death, in the body, will remain for the believer, until Jesus canes again.  1 Corinthians I5:26; 15:54; from Isaiah 25:8.

The spirit of the believer will never die.  John 11:25,26.  He has eternal life, from Christ, in his spirit.  He is born of the Spirit.  John 3:6,8; 1 John 5:11.

In this, we have been saved, we are being saved and we will be saved.  Romans 8:24; Ephesians 2:5; 4:30.  Hebrews 1:14, 1 Peter 1:5.  Philippians 2:12.