Dr. Irene Bonney Faulkes
Dr. Irene Faulkes Ministry has reached out to some hundred’s of thousands of people around the world during a lifetime of ministry. Hundreds of thousands wonderfully baptised with the Holy Spirit, people saved, healed and having miracles. Churches and many Pastors have been revived in thirteen countries.
At the age of twelve, Irene felt she would be a missionary.
All through her teen-age years she had the desire to minister the gospel and was always involved in church work from an early age. This included youth activities, music, Sunday School and Open Air Gospel meetings.
The call of Christ was always there until finally it met with fruition.
“So send I you”, said the Lord Jesus.
She knew the reality of what David the Psalmist said, “In your Presence, O God, is fullness of joy and at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore”.
Much spiritual activity and Bible study preceded the actual departure from Australia in faith, to do missionary work in Indonesia. Quite a few years were spent there, before returning to Australia for about four years. After that there has been an annual ministry overseas, in quite a few countries – such as Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, The Philippines, U.S.A., Germany, England, India, Sri Lanka and Pakistan.
She has proved that despite a lack of finance, there is a tremendous harvest and overwhelming blessedness in seeing the multitudes touched by Jesus in response to His simple command to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel”..
Amongst Charismatic, Pentecostal and Denominational People