To Receive Christ-To Believe On Jesus
©2016 Dr. Irene Bonney Faulkes DD


Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came down to this earth to be born as a baby.   He came in His God or Divine nature and took unto Himself the nature of man.  He was without sin.  The purpose was to be Redeemer from sin and Saviour of those who are drawn to Him.  He died on the cross.  Before doing so, He said about that, “I, if I be lifted up, will draw all unto Me”.  He had said previously that the Father would draw some to Him.  Are you one of those?

He had said during His three years of ministry in Palestine, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.  No one comes to the Father except by Me.  It is also written in the New Testament part of the Bible, “There is one Mediator between God and man, the Man, Christ Jesus”.  The only Way to God is the Lord Jesus Christ.  There is no other.

To know Truth, one must know the Lord Jesus Christ, God and Saviour.  He has shown Truth in the Bible by His Spirit.  This is found particularly throughout the New Testament. 

He also said He is the Life.  There is no other source of eternal life.  That life is not innate within us.  We cannot draw it up from within ourselves.  It is not a power within us.  We cannot conjure it up.  As a matter of fact, Jesus said, “He who believes in the Son lays hold of eternal life, while he who refuses to put his faith in the Son will never have a glimpse of that life.  On the contrary, he will have God’s anger resting upon him”.  Another saying of His is, “”For just as the Father has His gift of life within him, so he has granted it to the Son that he likewise should have the gift of life within him, while, since, he is the Son of Man, he has at the same time granted to him the authority to act as judge”.

There is no hope of eternal life, forgiveness of sin, purity, inner cleanliness, peace, a glorified state, an immortal body or reconciliation as a sinner with the holy God. 

 We are most glad to tell you about turning to Jesus, as the only Lord and Saviour.
First of all you should know this – John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. The reason God sent His Son down to earth, to be born of a virgin and to be named Jesus, who is God and Man, was that He loved us. This is why we need salvation. You can say, “God loves me”. “God sent Jesus into the world for me”. “God is now speaking to me by His Spirit”.

Then each of us has to realise we are a sinner. The Bible says, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”, Romans 3:23. That means me and of course it means you. You now must say, “Yes, I am a sinner. I do not come up to what God requires. I have been far away from Him. I have not known Him. He is holy and I need Someone in between to take me to Him, God the Father”. That Person is the Lord Jesus. He stands between you and the Father God. When you believe on Him, He will take your hand and place it in the hand of Almighty God. He can do this because He died in your place on the cross.

Because of our sin, we were under the anger and judgment of God. He could not do anything for us unless Jesus came and stood in our place. Jesus stood in our place as One judged for sin, our sin. God considered Jesus guilty instead of us. Therefore, He sent Jesus to die on the cross. Sin had to be judged. We were judged sinners. Then Jesus came and took our guilt. He died in our place on the cross.

There, Jesus died as One taking our sin. He died as One considered to be a sinner instead of you and me. When He was on the cross, He took your sin. He was the sacrifice to God, a perfect, holy sacrifice, for your sin. There God judged Him instead of you. He was the Lamb of God, the sacrifice, taking away your sin.

God was pleased with the sacrifice of Jesus for you. Jesus was holy and perfect. It was a perfect sacrifice. The wrath of God you and I deserved came upon Jesus. As a Man, He knew God had left Him. Jesus gave up His spirit. He died. His body was buried. In His spirit He went into heaven for three days and nights. He took in Spirit form, the blood He shed on the cross. He offered it to God.

Then His Spirit went back into His body that was in the grave. This body had not started to corrupt. God raised Him from the dead by the Power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus tore the bars of death. Jesus conquered sins, death, the grave and Satan. Satan was defeated for you. Death (eternal death and bodily death) lost its power for you. Sin lost its power over you.

However, it becomes something for you when you believe on Jesus and receive Him into your heart as your Saviour and Lord.

You may say, “Do I need to be born again?” Yes, the need to receive Christ covers it. Romans 10:9, 10 is now for you. It says, “if you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord (or God) and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For one believes with the heart and so is justified (made as if he had never sinned because of what Jesus did on the cross for him) and one confesses with the mouth and is is saved. This means you need to receive Christ.”

To be saved means you are then saved from the power of sin, from hell and from being under the power of Satan and demons or under any religion and gods that all are not about the Lord Jesus Christ.

Your sins are forgiven and that moment Jesus cleans you in His Blood. By His Spirit He enters your heart. A miracle takes place within you. You are part of the kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. You are part of the family of God. You have eternal life.

1 John 5:12 “Whoever has the Son has life”. You then have eternal life. This means you belong to Jesus and you serve only Him.

Having read all this now it is time for you to pray. You can pray like this to the Lord Jesus,
“Lord Jesus. Thank you for your love. I know I am a sinner. I believe you died for me and for my sins on the cross. I believe You have risen from the dead. Come into my heart. With my mouth I say, Jesus, You are my Lord – no one or anything else, religion or other God. Jesus, I say, Jesus Christ is my Lord and my God. I have turned from my sin, my religion and my gods. The power of Satan and demons over my life is broken. I am free. I am saved. I am forgiven. I am cleansed by the blood of Jesus.

I know the Lord Jesus Christ is within me by His Holy Spirit.”

The Lord Jesus will really meet with you as you pray.

Please e mail and let me know when you have done all this.

Your friend,

Rev. Irene Faulkes