Isa.53:5 SLT: ‘And he being wounded for our transgressions, and crushed from our iniquities, the correction of our peace upon him, and in the marks of his stripes it was healed for us’. What was healed? Those as: ‘for our transgressions, our iniquities, our peace upon him’. This part of v.5 is the subject, the ‘it’. Ch. 53 is totally about our sin. Our sin separated us from Him, Our sin ‘Your iniquities have separated you from your God’, and Christ brought peace, Eph.5:17. ‘The wages are of sin, not sickness, Rom.6:23. No mention of sickness being the problem. Redemption is from sin by the shed blood. All are appointed ‘once to die’. Rom.8:23 We wait the ‘redemption of our body’; We will put on immortality at His coming, 1 Cor,.15:54.
By whose stripes we are healed refers to the preceding words of that verse. Such reveal it is all about our transgressions. 1 Cor. 15:3 ‘Christ died for our sins (not for our sicknesses) according to the Scriptures. Those stripes left bruised weals accdg. to Hebrew, Isa. 53:5. Healing of sicknesses is not in the atonement. It is healing from sin. We still sin, get forgiven as His blood cleanses from sin. If healing from illness were in the atonement every sickness would as does sin on confession. 20 or so beginnings of sicknesses are on every one’s body. As to sin, ‘It is cleansed’ and we are not under its dominion. Yet if ill, pray and trust the Lord.
“Stripes’ from Heb. Chabbuwrah’ means ‘bruise, stripe, wound, blow’. It is properly, ‘bound’ with stripes. that is a weal, black and blue with mark itself. I, a Pentecostal/Charismatic, 70 yrs. do find them often ignorant in their rush to have all with the right to be healed. I believe the Lord heals, seen it hundreds of times in life, ministry. Gift of healing, laying hands, prayer of faith. Honest preachers would say about 3% only get healed.
1 Peter 2:24 not sickness. Healing from sin etc., Psalms mention ‘healed’ from sin etc. as definitely not sickness.
See Peter. 2:18-20 that is to servants, subject to whipping. Suffer, says Peter, like Christ, V.21-23. He (moreover) suffered for you (not for Himself as you do for your own self). Healed’ from Gk. ioamai: to make whole, to free from errors and sins, to bring about one’s salvation. Healed in soul, Ps.41:4; Isa. 57:18. Ps.30:3,2.;PS. 51.
If ill, pray for healing. But many have had their sickness for years or died! So healing cannot be in the atonement.
The N.T. emphasises over forty times we are to hold to ‘the truth’. It is all about our wondrous salvation from sin, eternal condemnation, hell and then delivered out of the power of darkness and into the kingdom of light. The apostles preached Christ crucified, not healing (never a word about a restored Israel or Millennium on earth) and Heb.2:3-5. Jesus began to preach the Gospel followed by the apostles preaching a fuller Gospel of salvation from sin. God confirmed it with signs and wonders and gifts of the Holy Ghost, people filled with the Holy Ghost, those healed through handkerchiefs and Peters shadow, raising of the dead, many healings etc. Paul said, 1Cor.1:17 ( to preach the Gospel) 1Cor.2:1-10; v.4, ‘And my speech and my preaching were not in persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power’. See Gal.3:1, Jesus Christ was being preached as crucified so much that they could see the Truth all the time. 2Thes. ‘how that our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power (dunamis power of speaking in tongues) and in the Holy Spirit, gifts of the Spirit’.
These where gifts of faith, healings and miracles. Also included were words of knowledge and of wisdom. See 1Cor.14:26, where in meetings of the church, those three gifts are not mentioned. There are words of knowledge and of wisdom as Paul used in his teaching of the Gospel. ‘Teaching & revelation’, are not regarding healing. See ‘When ye come together, each one hath a psalm (from the Spirit Eph.5:18-20), hath a teaching, hath a revelation (words of knowledge and of wisdom being Spirit inspired understanding of the revelation of the Gospel, N.T.), hath a tongue, hath an interpretation. Let all things be done unto edifying.’ We have all been wrong, a. In pronouncing new revelations from ourselves and b. saying words of knowledge are about healings, c. the revelation has been given through the apostles of the N.T. and no further revelation is to be added to the Word of God. They are part of the gifts of healings and miracles as can be seen. In Australia all churches have descended to people everywhere getting supposed words of knowledge and saying the most ridiculous things, the healings not occurring and the preaching of a diluted Gospel, heresy, error, no real knowledge of the Word of God, New Age – doctrines of demons (1Tim.6:3-6; 2Tim.4:1,2,6,7; 2Tim.4:1-4) That I should live to see such a time!
We pray for the sick. Years on, they die – go to be with the Lord, forever. Glorious thought. Why some, not all get healed we know not. Why ask? Job, ‘Tho He slay me I will trust Him.’ ‘I will and not be afraid when all my life on Him is stayed.’
Little 10 yr. old Indian girl – sick. Kept saying, I am going to die be with Jesus. She went parents said.
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