It is rather common knowledge that John Nelson Darby, Exclusive Brethren, was the one who introduced Dispensationalism and present End Time beliefs into the U.S.A. That has been to the detriment of the beliefs of millions. He followed the teachings of a former Jesuit priest and was Kabbalistic.
There is also the necessity of investigating those beliefs within the early Healing Movement, the Pentecostalists and latterly the Charismatics. Would they also have experienced their own singular perversions from the Jews as was the case through Darby? Then one must consider the case as it might apply to Calvinists, Reformers and the Puritans. Was there a concerted effort to disseminate similar views in regard to Zionism, within the Anglican Church, the Methodists and the Baptists, indeed all divisions and denominations of the Protestant Church?
This article is the result of an accidental viewing of a Jimmy Swaggart Sonlife Televised show. His grand-son was the speaker. He casually mentioned Myer Pearlman. That triggered a memory of my having bought his book for deep study, seventy years ago. Suddenly the possibility of his being Jewish struck me. Looking into the matter discovery was made that indeed he was. From that point, much research has evolved leading to conclusive answers to the above questions.
Yes, Jews and Judaism were a formidable force of influence within Protestantism as it had been in the formation, rites and religion of the Roman Catholic Church. Every denomination has been infiltrated in some form by characteristics of the Judaism that was so adverse to Christianity throughout the whole of the New Testament. For centuries particularly the Roman Catholic Church but also the Orthodox Churches inherited in major ways symptoms of the Satanic order, the Synagogue of Satan. Since the Reformation every denomination that has sprung up carries this curse. The true doctrines of the New Testament have been turned into winds of doctrines that are doctrines of demons. This has occurred without a fight. We have failed to a large extent in putting on the whole armour of God, especially the sword of the Spirit, which is the true Word of God. Thus when the evil day came the church did not stand. She succumbed to the wiles of the Enemy, that old Serpent the Devil.
There was Alexander Dowie, an Australian congregational preacher who founded Zion City in the U.S.A., based on his ministry of healing. A photo survives of him dressed as an Aaronic High Priest. John G. Lake was influenced by him in his own healing ministry that incorporated the outpouring of the Holy Ghost. He also promulgated Zionism that existed in South Africa and in the Apostolic Faith Mission he founded. He is known for his healing ministry and experience with the Holy Ghost baptism. These preachers along with Mrs. Woodworth-Edder became predecessors of the Pentecostal and then Charismatic movements. Indeed the early healing preachers had some influence from Zionism.
In relation to Myer Pearlman I searched on line for some knowledge of a few of his articles and came to the conclusion that there was nothing particularly Spiritual about them. It appeared that any person, knowing the then Assemblies of God teachings and some one as intellectual as he, could write without much personal knowledge of the gospel, of Jesus Christ Himself. It was not apparent that he emphasized a personal baptism with the Spirit but rather seemed barren of such but redolent of great learning.
I discovered he had known a few languages, was a philosopher (obviously Jewish), had studied in Hebrew speaking institutions run by Jews and that he owned a library of 10,000 books. This led to a certainty also, not only to his scholarship but to his still remaining very much a Jew in thought, if not experience. He would have studied every aspect of Judaism, including the Gemara, Mishnah and Talmud. Early Pentecostalism would not have included knowledge that such Texts existed. His emphasis was the end-times with Israel the centre. Being appropriate for someone with ties to former Judaism. It was not a doctrine in the Early Church of the first century, rather as Peter said, a Jewish myth.
A down load of the book, ‘Knowing The Doctrines Of The Bible’ by Myer Pearlman and information found on the Flower Pentecostal Heritage Centre provided confirmation of my assumptions.
It is somewhat strange that he maintained such a close connection with his Jewish roots. There seems to have been no disparity between following Christ and at the same time applauding Jewish thought and scholarship as he did. In 1932, an article he authored for the ‘Pentecostal Evangel’ is to be found on that site. Apparently this Jew, Myer Pearlman, did not deem it necessary to obey the Scriptures in emulating Paul’s God ordained example.
Paul gave warning to the Corinthian Church which all of us are beholden to obey. He wrote:
‘But I have a fear, that in some way, as Eve was tricked by the deceit of the snake, your minds may be turned away from their simple and holy love for Christ’.
‘For if anyone comes preaching another Jesus from the one whose preachers we are, or if you have got a different spirit, or a different sort of good news from those which came to you, how well you put up with these things’, 2 Cor.3:4.
I fear that I as a member of the Assemblies of God in the past, being in ministry in Australia, along with those early leaders of our Movement, were tricked by the deceit of the snake, Satan himself. The Talmud and its teachings came out of Babylon when the Jews in captivity took on more idolatry than they had followed previously. There they imbibed all of the snake religion that commenced with Nimrod at the time of the Tower of Babel. It was such that its foundations consisted of every form of paganism prevalent throughout the whole world. This included all manner of evil, witchcraft, Satanism, the occult, Gnosticism and a reversal of good being turned into evil becoming the object of pursuit with all of its base forms. This was the mystery of Babylon, the harlot nation, the whore as described by the prophets such as Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel. This was Israel the harlot, the whore. She existed at the time of Christ. In our day she is among us in a cult of Judaism of ‘Jews who are not Jews’ – Edomites ending up as Khazars, known as Sephardic Jews today. They are not descendants of Abraham.
Millions have been affected by the serpent’s fangs without realising it. Thank God I myself began to see the light fifty years ago but it took much effort and faith to allow the Lord to turn me around to follow only His Word.
Without a doubt, the major reason this false teaching of the End Time and indeed heresy, has been so prominent being one of the major beliefs held, is sorcery. Oh yes, sorcery. Do we not understand that our enemy, the Diabolical One, is doing what John described ‘And the dragon waxed wroth with the woman, and went away to make war with the rest of her seed, that keep the commandments of God, and hold the testimony of Jesus’, Rev.12:17. As Peter said, ‘He goes around seeking whom he may devour’.
He works through the most evil practices and this enmity is not seen and seldom realised. He is the deceiver and father of lies. Paul clarified the situation of a whole church full of believers being under this kind of attack. It is apparent he has been attacking every church, every believer and every denomination from the inception of the gospel as seen in all of the epistles. He uses wolves against the flock of our Shepherd, the Lord Jesus Christ. The Church in Galatia was exposed to decided sorcery and Satanism as the apostle revealed with these words: ‘O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you?’ Gal.3:1.
Judaism and Jewry that opposed Christ and crucified Him then attacked the Christians. It was done openly as the book of Acts describes. Afterwards it was not apparent to present day believers but history would prove it to be so.
Myer Pearlman, whose works were read and studied by Assemblies of God leaders and people, other Pentecostals and many Baptists, was rather open in his disclosure of personal Judaism and an innate love of such a background and its education. He would quote such a man as Professor Judah L. Magnes, a most famous Jew whose Museum exists today. Apart from this professor’s diligent application to working for his people in the U.S., he opened the Institute of Jewish Studies in Palestine, with three sections Philogy, Talmud and Palestine Research. Pearlman based much of his teaching on his past studies and on his library. He would use the Hebrew Old Testament, that is from the Masoretes who used corrupted manuscripts and gave a much altered script, whereas the Septuagint is the only translation based on the most original of then known manuscripts. He would apply Philosophy, quoting Kant and Hegel. These traits are not those of a fully converted believer in Christ, who is a Spiritual leader among the Church of Jesus Christ.
That Christians accepted such, is not surprising, considering that from the tine of the Reformation, Jews and Zionism were ardently esteemed as the ultimate of the Bible by many leading Christians. This was a false view and implemented by political forces in Great Britain in particular, their monarchy, aristocracy – the Establishment and its aristocratic Parliament.
The Puritans adored the Jews. This was from the time of Cromwell, who brought the Jews back into England that result in their aid to his Parliament’s manoeuvres ending in the beheading of Charles I.
When they migrated to the Americas to start a colony, they acted as if they were another Israel under God whose Bible really did not cover such an event. They generally spoke Hebrew, not English, and founded their colony on the Laws given, not to New Covenant believers, but to the obsolete Old Covenant Hebrews, the Children of Israel. Such Laws were never to be given to another people.
This love of the Jews exists to this day generations later in an unscriptural manner, even appearing to be one that exceeds love to Christ and His Word. Such an esteem is inappropriate, undesirable and anti-Christ.
We think back to when Luther opposed the Pope, rightly. At first he considered the Jews as friends in his country Germany, but on discovering the wickedness they employed he wrote against them. He followed Jesus who spoke harshly against them in several places. Paul warned against them. Peter said to ‘beware of Jewish myths’. They existed still in the churches of Revelation, having their beginnings in Babylon, being from Judah and Benjamin. Some returned from captivity, having been designated as Jews while there. Joined to such were Edomites from Esau the non-elect, who all then became Judeans, not Jews. Such a name did not even appear in the first of the different KJV Bibles.
In U.S.A. it is noted that Timothy Dwight, grandson of Jonathan Edwards declared ‘that remarkable Jewish tradition’ of a full millennium of ‘peace, purity and felicity’. This was a climactic expression of love of Judaism in America. This kind of thought found popular expression. It certainly became a leading doctrine after John Nelson Darby, also being an agent of the British East India Company, a High Mason and Kabbalist (so said) visited leading churchmen to preach his End Time beliefs garnered from a Jesuit Jew. Wealthy Jewish backers supported both him and Schofield in particular whose Bible held sway for decades. Its notes gave credence to the idea that what he wrote ‘was Bible’. Many Fundamentalists, Pentecostals and others were led astray by absorbing those unscriptural views.
What of Zwingli, Calvin and the Jesuits in Switzerland? A Judaic State of harshness was formed there. Some who defied those leaders of an enforced law state were killed and failure was the result. Now for the Reformation. It proceeded but by this time added to Luther’s ‘Justification by Faith’ were the seeds of Judaism from the Jews of the Talmud. They had long ago intruded to introduce their Talmud beliefs into the beliefs, rites, idolatry, priesthood and encyclopaedia of the Roman Catholic Church. Many Jews became Catholics with some voted in as Popes. Now there had to be corruption within the ranks of the Reformation.
Calvin, who was a Jew, organized Scotland into something that was not pure gospel. His book of tenets of Calvinism (Cohen), included much human philosophy that does not stand up to Bible Truth. He imposed a harsh Reform Church there that followed keeping the Sabbath on an Old Testament idea for Hebrews only but corrupted for Christians into a belief contrary to the gospel. This bears it out: ‘Calvin, in disagreement with the early fathers, saw more in the fourth commandment than they did. ‘They touch upon only half the matter.’ Calvin sees three conditions requiring attention in a consideration of the fourth commandment. They are: …the matter of spiritual rest, in which believers ought to lay aside their own works to allow God to work in them.
John Owens, that Puritan master of gospel truth who authored many books, still followed the joining of Church and State as he remained in such a system. Before him the Reformers had done this although they wanted their own Church/State being stated ‘Non-Conformists’.
His was somewhat Theocratic, following on from the Israelites and latterly the Jews, who today and when the Reformation occurred had become as Jesus said, ‘Jews who are not Jews’. They were 90% Khazars and surely with no direct descendants of Abraham, in the remaining 10%. Where are the genealogies? There was great destruction of records in AD 70 when the Temple was razed to the ground, being burnt with such heat that the gold began to melt. Every huge stone remaining in the precincts were carted away by the Romans.
We should understand that Judaism is religious, political and cultic, their god being Mammon, money and prosperity.
Thus the Church of Jesus Christ has been infiltrated and cursed by them to bring about its downfall. It is also first and foremost to further their exaltation as the people of God, who is not our God but Satan himself. Some group among them will be the Messiah(anti-Christ), who is not our Messiah dying on a cross, resurrected to be seated on the right hand of the throne of God, world without end. Their hopes are all earthly but ours are meant to be heavenly. In heeding this belief that is not part of the gospel, we only harm ourselves and submit to the evil in them. This brings despite to the grace of the God of the gospel under which we serve our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. We cannot love and give allegiance to people who are the enemies of Christ.
‘To them who look for Him shall He appear without sin unto salvation’. We should look for Him and never to a restored Israel, a restored people (we believers in Christ are the people of God, a new race) or a restored and rebuilt Temple. We believers are now the Temple of the Living God and He is to live among us forever. He is never through Christ to be among a restored people, making pagan sacrifices and according to the Jews themselves and their Talmud, it is to be so. We wrongly ascribe Old Testament sacrifices as their goal. In doing so we sin because we ‘are treading underfoot the blood of Christ’.
This all leaves us as individual believers to find the truth and sell it not. We are to search in particular the pages of the New Testament where we will discover there is no recorded plan for a millennium, a restoration of Israel ‘whose house is left unto them desolate’, said Jesus. There is no mention by Jesus or the apostles of His ever coming back to reign on this earth.
The millennium is a Jewish myth, as said the early Church leaders for at least one century. After that, until today, the wolves have been tearing the flock to pieces. So let us dig for the truth.
The spirit of today’s Judaistic Jewry crept from Pentecostalism and particularly the Roman Catholic Church into the whole of the Charismatic move. They were Charismatic brothers with love flowing like a river. Protestants forgot such and also that in the main they were still according to the Roman Catholic Church not true believers unless we joined it. Thus we were not brothers. They could not enter our churches but instead as we heard an R.C. Bishop inform us we should join theirs. It was obligatory according to their beliefs that we submit to that church, its doctrines and Papal authority. Protestants could never do this. Pentecostals were first of all Protestants. Judaism thus through out its tentacles in and attempt to enforce its ideas of the Roman Catholic Church to the world of Charismatics.
There was a partial success within the ranks in the imposed love of Israel, to consider them the people of God when as Peter said we who follow Christ now are the ‘chosen race’ and ‘holy nation’. We are the people of God. The main intrusion of influence proved to be offshoots in doctrines and experience of the 1948 Canadian Latter Rain Move and of William Branham, specifically with the use of so-called (Words of Knowledge).